Thursday, January 16, 2025

Taking count..........

 It was an errand day yesterday, in addition to baking a batch of cookies.  I didn't get much sewing done so I did counting instead.

Single columns of flannel triangles.  The original quilt I designed (shown on Monday's post) has 7 of these.

9 Double columns - most would be like this because I have 8 in most of the sets of triangle squares.  In my original quilt I have only 4 of these so I can add one more strip to 5 of them to make triple columns.

I only have 4 of the triple column blocks sewn and there were 14 of them in the original quilt.  I don't have to follow the layout of the original exactly but I thought I would start out doing that.

I have lots more to sew into blocks so I'll concentrate on the triple column blocks.

I brought the box of flannel rectangles up to the main floor studio so I can check out the colors.  When I put the flannel blocks on the design wall they don't want to stick.  I think it is because the seams on the pieced blocks want to curl a little.  I'm going to have to pin some of the non-sticking ones which will slow down the design time.


Linda said...

Sounds like a good combo - baking cookies and counting! You've probably mentioned this before, but where did you get most of your flannel? Yardage, shirts?

Julierose said...

Counting works well while waiting for cookies to bake ;))))
I really like that middle leafy flannel in the last picture--so evocative
of vintage times...
Only 14 this morning, but sunny at least...
Hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

Cookies. I love cookies! I am trying to lose a few pounds so I don't dare make any. I am weak and have little self control! LOL!! Those flannels you brought up look like they will fit in nicely with you HST blocks. Sometimes my blocks won't stick to the design wall either so I will resort to pinning. I agree pinning them slows the design process down.

Cherie Moore said...

Non sticking flannel is ironic, isn’t it? The rectangles are a lovely assortment of prints. I will enjoy watching this one come together.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I always think I don't have many brown fabric until I start to go through them. Looking at your browns I realized I had no brown strips in my log cabin quilt - I should pull out a small piece and cut a couple strips off to add to the last two rows before I get started today.

JJM said...

Working with flannels this time of year is a given, your browns are so rich and warm, not to speak of the actual cozy warmth flannels are. Fun block design ~ to top it off yet.

Nann said...

I like the 3 x 5 blocks. Something about an odd number that makes it more interesting. OTOH I can imagine a scrappy arrangement alternating rows of 2 x 4 blocks and 3 x 5 blocks. As I type a carrot cake is in the oven for S's birthday.

Barbara Anne said...

Wonderful HST blocks and I also like the odd number of rows for whatever reason. Go figure.
How delightful to have the fragrance of baking cookies to scent your home. That is bliss ... as is eating a few of said cookies. What flavor are they?
