Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 A Christmas present arrived at my house yesterday.  I haven't spent much time looking at the book yet but I'll be going through to choose my favorite quilt soon

I opened to the first page and found this.  My daughter attended Kaffe's presentation in NC in October and she asked Brandon and Kaffe if they could personalize my book.  Wow!

In case you missed this in the last photo.........

Speaking of Kaffe, I got a few of his new 85 and Fabulous fabrics.  Since I have some pieces of the originals which he has repeated for his birthday collection I wanted to compare them and see if they were identical.  The new is on the left, old on the right.  The older one has some lighter colors and the red-purple ring on the big bullseye is a slightly different color.  It is easy to tell them apart because the new ones have a larger white selvage and bigger lettering.

Look for this motif in the next photo.

New is on the left, old is on the right.  This is the only new one that I can tell is an enlarged version of the old one.

I stripped the bed and did a load of laundry.  While that was running I chose some fabrics that I will use to make most of my test blocks with in 2023.  I may add some more as I go but I think I have a pretty good group of values for 2, 3 or 4 color blocks.  The dark ones in the top row are a dark teal, not black as they may appear on your screen.  Sometimes the only thing holding me back from testing a block is not being able to decide which fabrics to use.  I figure if I always have this group ready for cutting I will get a lot more blocks made.  The bonus is they will all work together for a quilt in the future.

We will be above freezing today and maybe get up to the low 40s.  50 tomorrow and Thursday.  I will get out and fill my bird feeders and enjoy the heat wave.


Anonymous said...

How exciting for you to receive a personalized, signed Kaffe book! I'm sure you'll treasure this and I can't wait to see what you make from it.

Julierose said...

What a wonderful gift!! Signed and all!!
It is 27 degrees this morning with a pink sunrise...strange light in our skies today...
Looking forward to those warmer days to come ...hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so nice that it is signed to you! how nice is that and that your daughter thought in advance for a gift also

Linda Swanekamp said...

What a neat gift! You have a great assortment of fabrics that will work together. We are getting warmer temps too, so I hope the piles melt!

JJM said...

What a fun post today Wanda, beautiful fabrics and a autographed book from two of your favorite fabric designers . Vicki knows how to steal your heart.


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a very good daughter and a precious gift!

Mystic Quilter said...

What a treat!!!!I have the book and also have a few of his new pieces, thanks for showing the difference in scale, very interesting!

Shelina said...

That is a precious gift indeed! I saw your name on it right away.