Friday, July 30, 2021

A day with many events.............

I'll start with the evening and then go back to the morning events.  I got 2 more of the Lemoyne stars sewn.  I have 3 more cut out of the same fabrics so I could change which red goes with which yellow for the next 3 or make duplicates of each.

I got up yesterday morning excited that the pop-up show was going to be opening and at 8:45 the power went out.  I started checking how much battery I had left on my laptops and phone and 20 minutes later the power came back on.  Now I could fix breakfast.

But.......I looked out my kitchen window and saw that my neighbor's walnut tree was laying across my smallest and newest Redbud tree.  We had a storm the night before with wind and this tree was loaded with walnuts and the branches were heavy.  It is also a sucker that grew up along the stump where the original tree was cut down in 2011 so it wasn't a strong tree anyway.

This view is from near the lot line looking back into my yard.

My row of Brown Eyed Susans is right under the trunk so what do you think the odds are that they won't get trampled when someone comes to remove the tree?

My son was stopping by yesterday morning on his way out of town so he looked at the tree and took my big lopper out and cut off the branches that were leaning on my bird feeders.  Luckily the bird feeders weren't knocked down or broken.  This is in the area where I planted the 4 big Sedum plants too so I hope they survive the tree removal.

Everyone can get into the pop-up shop after 12 noon EDT today.  Here is the link.


Julierose said...

Oh so sorry about that new redbud!! Take care and stay safe...
hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

The star blocks are so pretty and vibrant! I hope you are at home when the people come to remove the tree so you and try and educate them on what not to step on in your yard.

MissPat said...

So sorry the walnut tree fell on your red bud. The brown-eyed susans and the sedum can be much more easily replace than the red bud. Can you dig some of both clumps up temporarily so you can replant after the tree is removed? And wow, those fabric collections sold out fast on you Pop-Up shop. Of course, that's no surprise.

JustGail said...

Those are pretty blocks. Bummer on the walnut tree, at least it was a small tree and there wasn't more damaged. I know - cold comfort. The sedums will be fine, perhaps a bit tatty looking this year, the brown eyed Susans I haven't much experience with. If possible, I'd be out when they remove the tree, pointing out where the plants are. You don't happen to have saw horses you could set up over or next to your plants? They'd be marked and somewhat protected against falling tree bits.

What MissPat said - WOOOSH those fabric assortments went fast!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Yikes, what a way to start the day! Glad there was no structural damage. Black eyed susans are pretty tough. Glad you could run your shop. I logged in 10 minutes after it opened, and the fabric was gone- so you must be doing terrific.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Glad the tree didn't do any more damage than it did -- hopefully its removal won't harm your plants too much. Maybe tie some colorful fabric strings to the ones you are most concerned about to make them more visible to any workers?

JJM said...

Lemoyne Stars are fascinating, and I love your color combinations.

Trees give up when you least expect it… another BIG job to tackle for sure. I hope you can save your red bud and black eyed susan’s . A big job ahead for sure.

We had a towering Ponderosa pine split and hit the ground with what felt like an earth quake. Missed our house thank goodness. My husband counted the rings .. . . . 130 years old ! ! ! ! Took two weeks to clean up, and with help form our son. And that was just this spring.


P.S. Great Pop Up Shop Wanda

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Sorry about the storm damage.
Your stars are just gorgeous! LOVE those color combos!