Yesterday morning I paired lights with dark for more flannel triangle squares.
I got 51 of them sewn last night. Now my totals are 54 + 58 + 51. I still have a bunch to sew from the morning pairing.
This is the assortment cut so far of dark squares for the Plaid-ish quilt. I have 60 of 80 cut, 20 to go. I'Il probably overcut since I'm not sure the ones with red in them will work because all of the mediums are red/pink/orange. I also have most of one of the other shapes cut.
This is the last group of tomatoes from my summer garden. I don't know whether they will continue ripening or be edible but I'm giving them a chance. All of the ones that ripened from October through December were delicious.
Love that little dotted stars and sprigs flannel--so vintage looking!!
Amazing that you STILL have tomatoes ripening!! They could always be used in a soup or sauce, too, if they aren't all that edible...
24 here and at last the winds have abated quite a bit ...that constant sound of the wind was getting to us!!
Today I will be doing some of my beloved hand quilting on Strawberries ;))) Hugs, Julierose
The light colored checkered flannel is so pretty! I can't believe you still have some tomatoes! I will be rooting for them to ripen for you!
Very attractive pairings on the flannel! I am looking out my window at 6 inches of snow, can you believe it for north Texas?
And the ground outside your window is khaki color while ours is deep snowy white . . . gotta love weather patterns. Your squares look great and tomatoes?! Wow.
I'm amazed you still have tomatoes! I just give up on mine too early I guess. I get tired of them and had a lot of green tomatoes that I used in a relish. We have so much snow I am glad that I went shopping in advance I don't think we will get out of the driveway for a week
I can’t believe you still managed to have more tomatoes in January! We managed to avoid the ice and snow this round. Not so to our north.
I am so looking forward to seeing what block layout you choose for your many HSTs as you have almost limitless options!
Those bright squares will be fun to work with when you get to them.
Wow! Tomatoes still producing in January? Hope these ripen and are yummy. I have my doubts about the second from the right as it looks a bit withered. Will wish it well!
How you keep 2 and 3 quilts going at the same time always amazes me. This flannel one is going to be such fun to layout. And only you would create a plaid quit top. It boggles my mind to think of what and where I would use the pieces needed for this one.
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