I only cut 8 more batiks today since my hip joints were protesting from yesterday's job. I am going to get a couple anti-fatigue mats to put by the cutting table and ironing board. I needed to make some journal covers for a friend so I decided to sit and sew. I pulled out the Kaffe Fassett scrap bag and pulled all of the blues for the first cover. Then I decided to just continue doing some mindless piecing while I watched a couple TV shows last night. I will slice up the strip pieced units and piece them back together.

Roberta, who left me a message last night about wanting to purchase some batik strips: I have no way of contacting you since you are an Anonymous. Please email me.
the weather cleared up enough yesterday for me to do some gardening- oh joy. more rain on it's way however...drats. love this geranium...our outside one should be blooming soon as well.
I guess all those April showers are now bringing out the May flowers. WOW it's May, the year is moving quickly. It great to see the gardens come to life.
If you still have a batch of your batik strips that are not spoken for I would love to purchase some. Please let me know it you have any left. Thanks.
I'd love some of your batik strips too if you are selling. I love your blog - I don't comment often but so enjoy your daily creativity!
I love those Kaffee Fassett fabrics. I have a few of them, and they just make me happy to see their colors and playfulness.
Love those fabrics! I often wish I could strip piece. Probably makes things faster!
As always, your choice of fabrics and your sense of color tickle my senses. I empathize with your aches. It's arthritis in my hands that takes a beating but quilting keeps us moving and not giving in to aches and pains.
Journals, YEAH! And such beautiful colors and fabrics!
I went to Jo-Ann's a couple of days ago and bought a set of those large foam puzzles for young kids. I plan on snapping them together to use as a floor mat when I have to stand for a long time. I think they were $7.99.
very pretty journal cover - I appreciate that you leave tutorials for us! I hadn't realized that before. Enjoy your pretty new flowers in bloom!
Oh, Wanda! Your blog is so beautiful. I'm so inspired. And thank you also for the photos of spring.
Wow, you cut up a lot of strips yesterday! And your journal covers look great! I have to use a mat in front of the sink when I do dishes. Lately, I can't stand on concrete floors at all for very long before my back wants to give out from an old injury, so I can sympathize. Those little throw rugs really do help. So can a good comfortable pair of shoes with a lot of cushion in the soles.
Wanda the fabrics are beautiful! Someone asked yesterday how you cut the strips without wobbles, could you explain that please? I never seem to have much luck at that either. Kind of limits my quilts to have only short pieces :-) And by the way, you're no wimp!
These Geranium plants have a lemon scent, don't they? There is one African species they use to make a very good caugh remedy.
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