and I'm sure many of you have the same feeling. I sent for the back issues of the Studios magazines to see how other people store their stuff. I would love to take over the living room area of my house for a studio and stick the living room out in my little 11' x 15" room by the kitchen. I don't have the energy to do anything like that right now but I'm getting some good ideas for organization.

I could spend HOURS looking through magazines and blogs that feature other peoples studios. I use my dining room table right now but am formulating a plan for when my oldest moves out! :)
You will have to post pix once you get it all organized. I sew in a sunroom off the dining room that is only about 10' x 10'. I have all my essentials there, TV, computer and sewing machine. I do have the long arm upstairs, it takes up a whole room and I store fabrics in there. I use a lot of plastic tubs as they are stackable.
Wanda, I have never seen the Studio magazine...and I love to look at all the quilters studios. I am thinking of buying a tv cabinet for a cutting table, I got this idea from another studio.
Where's your shop?! I need I SPY stuff for a quilt for my son ;)
Oh to have a studio! When you find an idea(s) you like in the magazine, please post it.
I don't know that magazine, but I could sure profit by reading it! Good luck with your reorganization. Let me know when you sell your novelty fabrics because I'll definitely take some (possibly some without being cut into squares first) because I make a LOT of I Spy quilts.
Hello Wanda, I do enjoy looking through magazines of all types but that one would tick more than one box! It can be exciting sorting through stuff and discovering things you had forgotten about. Have fun sorting through and dreaming of new studios!
For the amount of sewing that you do, I think it is a great idea to convert your "living room" to a quilt studio. After all - that is where you do a lot of living.
And, most people seem to always be in the kitchen when you have anyone over so the living room by the kitchen sounds good.
I recently changedrooms switching the guest bedroom and quilt room. The only problem is where to put stuff as you move and clean up. I still have boxes in the hallway. I was great to go through and reorganize my stash.
Please pass along the ideas and we'll all look forward to pictures.
In other words, you're gonna cut Layer Cakes. *S*
I use the "living room" in my apartment for my workroom - if I ever move, the big worktable will need to be taken apart - we built it in here.
Two table sized shelves underneath that keep ALL kinds of's the best storage place ever.
I'd love to upgrade my storage but it seems very costly.
Hi, Wanda -
I think houses should serve the people who live in them. Your idea of switching rooms is a very good one, IMO, unless you are constantly having people OVER in large groups, parties, etc. But if that's not the case, then it sounds great.
I'm lovin' the color I see here. I keep wanting to do a painting inspired by a quilt, but haven't gotten to it yet. Maybe next week?
I hope you follow through with your desire to use your living room as your quilt studio . . . it is your house, after all! I had a friend who did exactly that and she was SO happy with the results.
Spring seems to stimulate all of us wanting to organize our workrooms/studio's to look just like we see in the magazines.
Every time I have seen yours I am envious. They belong in a magazine. We could all get some tips from you.
Mine really needs that team from Organizers on HGTV to get my mess in order.
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