Sunday, May 17, 2009

Border option, binding done, nature walk.......
Here is the fan corner that I was talking about trying yesterday. I think it is distracting and won't use it. I'll just lengthen the two strip sets by adding more strips and sew them on the top and bottom.
I finished the binding on this little piece last night.
I like to use a binding fabric that looks good with both the top and back of the quilt.
The binding looks good with the top in the daylight and in a photo but it looked a little dark with the artificial light at night. I couldn't decide whether to sew on a hanging sleeve at first but then went ahead and put one on. This little quilt is only 25" x 36" so it is more likely to hang on a wall than to be used as a quilt.
The pink weigela bush is full of blossoms again this year. They are just starting to open.
I have a baby shower to go to today. This will be the first great-grandchild for my SIL and BIL on my husband's side of the family. I guess this will make me a great-great aunt.


Unknown said...

I don't know, I kind of like the fan corner. But I think in the end you must go with your gut instinct. The little wall hanging turned out fantastic! I love it. I do the same as you and put binding on that look good both front and back. I have 2 weigela's and they are not even close to blooming. I love the pink color of yours. Congrats on being a great- great aunt.

jovaliquilts said...

Thanks for showing the wedge corner, I was really curious to see it. I agree that it draws attention to itself. It might have been a really neat effect, though, if every round in the quilt had had a wedge corner! Perhaps a little busy ... !

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I really thought the fan was a great idea, but agree it distracts from the rest of the quilt. Love the little quilt and your flowers too.

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

I agree the fan corner wasn't as great as you (and I) thought it would be.

verobirdie said...

I'm not a fan of the fan either. I prefer the second picture of your post below. But you are the one to decide.

Jean said...

I like the fan corner,and think the next border, if you continue the pattern of pieced border, then a solid border, would calm it down.

Your flowers are poppies are almost ready to bloom. I want to get my garden in today if it doesn't rain.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

neat use of color - you sure do use a lot of your scraps - they come in handy don't they.

Carmiña said...

I like so much te bright colors in your quilt and i think the fan corner is perfect.
Thanks for share.

Kim said...

The fan is a great idea, perhaps it will work on another project.

Vicky F said...

Hi Wanda,
The corner fan looks OK (even good) to me from my vantage point, but maybe in person it distracts. As always, you're the boss.
I like your little quilt finish. The blocks seem to be floating in a pool of petals.
Vicky F

M. Regina said...

I love the fan corner in your quilt, and I like so much the bright colors.
Your flowers are beautiful. I think we don't have this flower in Brazil. Hugs

Janet said...

The fan corner is really striking yet maybe that's the problem. Next time. The finished quilt just pops. Your choice of background makes it, setting up the focus on the blocks. Beautiful flowers. As I've said before, quilters seem to be drawn to lovely blooms.

Cathi said...

I love the idea of the fan corner, but not for that little quilt. What a great idea though for perhaps a plain centre just showcasing one fabric. The finished quilt is wonderful to look at -- one just wants to keep looking. Love the background fabric!
Those flowers are amazing -- their colour and their shape.

ilovebabyquilts said...

I love that background fabric. I would have never thought to use that with a polka dot.

Ellen said...

I like the fan corner... But agree that it might be too strong on all 4 corners.... How about trying a fan for just the upper left corner and using the other alternative for the other 3 corners? It might give a playful twist to the quilt without being overpowering...

Kristin L said...

It's really fun watching your scrappy quilt grow. Will the new baby get the Kaffe Quilt? I could definitely see that as a baby quilt.

Kim Brackett said...

Beautiful quilts. I'm so amazed by how you put fabrics together!

Vicki said...

The fan corner is an interesting idea but for another quilt. It definitely is too distracting for this one.

I love how your little quilt turned out. Again very interesting how it all works so well together given that many of Kaffe's fabrics are very bold and intense.

Mary Johnson said...

I like the fan but agree it's somewhat distracting with this quilt -- it does remind me that I saw a string pieced fan quilt somewhere that I really if I can just remember where.

Cheryl Arkison said...

I am the same way with bindings. In fact, I just put a binding on a scrappy quilt that actually was picked with the back in mind. Nice choice on yours!