Each border is taking more time, and this one especially because I had to start piecing it from scratch. I had been using previously pieced sections for other pieced borders. I decided this one needs some wider chunks in it. We had a tornado watch last night with lots of wind so I had the sewing machine unplugged for safety for most of the evening. We got another inch of rain.

It's lookin' good! We got lots of rain around here, too. On my way to the gym this morning I could see ponds in all the fields.
The pieced border looks great! I hope all is well, tornado watches are scary. Although we really don't get those here. I think once in the 22 years I have lived here have we had a watch.
Nice progression. I really like this. Looks like it's a lot of fun to work on. Well done!
I'm loving the sense of depth that these borders are creating. Very interesting indeed!
Lookin' good, Wanda! We have rain today too, but I'm not complaining. We really need it and it gives me an excuse to stay at my sewing machine all day!
This is looking really nice Wanda. I hope you are still enjoying the fun.
I love watching this quilt grow and love what you're doing with the border!
We're supposed to have thunderstorms today and it is rather windy. Did you get a migraine last night?
Expanding quilt top with wide chunky strips is perfect. When I look at this photo, with your two favorites to the right of it. It sure makes a complimentary threesome.
You know, you could just put that new border on two sides...(well, with some more red or similar tying it in with the original symmetrical part.)
These are turning out great. Coming from you, it shouldn't be a surprise that wonderful things can happen with just scraps.
I notice that the center of the quilt seems to recede a bit, because of the lighter blocks. Now that the last border is even darker the effect is great. Teresa
Those storms were not good last night and I saw that they were worse down by you. My poor dog was under the ottoman all night long.
The quilt is looking better and better. I will keep watching the progress.
I like that so far. You use the pieces most people throw away!
Wanda, I don't want to mess you up here. But as I look at this quilt it makes me think of looking down into a staircase that is square that is several stories. "No thanks, I'll take the stairs." I like it!
congratulation for you quilt and your blog..
sorry for my english
annapaola - tuscany. italy
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