I finished cutting the light color batik strips last night. They look so pretty folded like this I hate to cut into them.
Here is the progress on my Christmas cactus: 2 blooms open and 14 (yes!) buds. The next 4 should all open at about the same time so I'll show it then. This is the most flowers I have ever had on it in the 10 or so years I have had it.
Marilyn gave me an award last week, and I don't usually participate in them. I was especially touched with the reasoning behind this one. It was to be awarded to blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude. When I started this blog I decided it would always be upbeat and my favorite saying is "If you give away a smile you will get one back". I want you all to know that every day's post is a smile for you, the reader, and you have given me back many smiles with your comments. So, thank you Marilyn, and thank you readers.In the Sunday magazine with the newspaper was an article about fingers. It said if your ring finger is longer than your index finger that you tend to be good at math. My ring finger is longer and I am good at math, but it also said you would be good at sports. Unless quilting can be considered a sport, that one doesn't hold true for me. I am as clumsy as they come.
I think you should just arrange it on the coffee table and throw a few piles of squares next to it for a beautiful arrangement.
Will you begin sewing today?
What fun that the Christmas cactus would do SO well after this many years! It is very pretty, and...of course...love the batik strips, too.
I love batiks - you have lovely pastels. I am smiling.
That set of batik strips is so pretty -- I'd be hesitant to cut into them too!
How wonderful that Christmas Cactus is -- blooming away like that!
My ring finger is also longer than my index finger but clumsy?? I can trip over blades of grass on the lawn!
You make me smile every morning!
As for the ring finger thing, maybe "proof of the pudding is in the tasting" is more reliable!! :-)
Here's to a creative week!
Those lights look terrific! I am sure you will be cutting into them soon. The Christmas cactus is gorgeous. Interesting what they said about the index finger. I will have to look at my hubby's and kids. My hubby is an actuary, by profession and my kids seem to follow in his mathematical abilities. As for me, well my ring finger is not longer than the index finger. Yes, I think quilting is a sport!! By the way, here is a smile directly back at ya'! Oh, my word verification is POISE today. Rarely do I get one that actually spells something.
I'm so envious of all your curved patchwork. It's beautiful. I don't do curves.
I had my grandmother's cactus for many, many years ~ but this last move did it in. Your's is BEAUTIFUL!
Best wishes as you make those first cuts into the stack of light strips.
(and my ring finger is NOT longer and I am NOT a math person)
Well, that explains it. My ring finger is WAY shorter than my middle finger.
When they say "measure twice, cut once," I really should do "measure ten times, cut once." I'm just terrible at any kind of math.
Smiling is always so nice. Thank you for your bright smile and bright colors. Okay, my left hand ring finger is longer but my right hand ring finger is not. Hmmmmm. Confused maybe? Somedays yes--somedays no? That would account for a lot. LOL
You have always been a winner in my book. Congratulations !
Pastels are most favorite and your display today just makes me SMILE !
Your plants always look like they are eatable. So healthy and shiney, I will look forward to your Christmas catus photo in full bloom.
Such fun ~ you have everyone examining and measuring there fingers today. Telling us how smart we are in math.
O.K. your index finger is the 'pointer finger'... My ring fingers on both hands are about a fraction of an inch longer then index my finger. I can do elementary math, and love all the incruments on a tape measure and after that I go down hill. And do not care about algebra and calculus...
My Mother always loved to grow cactus. She had some Christmas, some Thanksgiving and some Easter. Given the date I'd say yours is an Easter cactus. Hers varied from white, pink, magenta and red. They are pretty when blooming but I don't care for them much the rest of the time.
Those strips look lovely. I remember having a set of strips draped in my sewing room, just to look at.
I think our flowers are talking to each other. Our Amaryllis are flowering fairly much in sync as are our Christmas Cactus. I'll post a photo of mine tomorrow.
That's a lot of strips. Cut, cut, cut. Sew, sew, sew
Although it has only one stem and one main root, my Christmas cactus blooms twice a year: one side blooms around Christmas and the other around Easter (though it's a little early this year). And, the ring/index finger ratio is different on each hand -- I never noticed that before!
Thanks for the smiles, and for letting us in on your pondering and decision-making, and for making such delicious quilts.
Both my ring fingers are longer than the index ones. I am okay at math but I have never EVER been good at sports.
I know you won't let the "pretty" of the strips stop you. LOL And I am sure they will be even prettier when you make something from them.
I vote for making quilting a sport! The christmas cactus is great. My dad has a bunch of them that bloom all year round. In the summer, they sit outside by his lake and just happily bloom away. Yes, the batik strips look very pretty folded like that. It's so cool that you think to take a picture of things like that!
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