Happy 72nd Anniversary, Mother and Dad
Yes it is my parents' anniversary today. They are 90 and 95 years old and live in an independent living apartment building. My dad decided he was still a young thing last Thursday and tried to flip a mattress by himself. It didn't work and he now has a shoulder injury so we went to the chiropractor yesterday. He will be going 3 times a week for 2 weeks plus cold packs at home. In Dad's mind he should heal instantly so we'll see how it goes. I started reading "The Shack" 2 days ago and got in a lot of reading time while I waited for my dad's treatment to take place. I can hardly put the book down. Finally last night I wanted to watch one TV show so I just made some more Cobblestones blocks for my ongoing project.
We're supposed to get heavy rain again today and then back down into the deep freeze for a couple days. Spring weather is so changeable.
Our fathers must be related!!! Mine is 91 and would do the same thing........He had minor shoulder surgery last fall and was so upset that he took more than a couple days to recover!!
He is amazingly active. People say they see him all the time, all over town.
My mom, however, has chronic fatigue at 90 and spends most of her time at home.....she used to do a talk for groups about getting old - telling them it was NOT fun.
Let's hope we get our dads' genes!!!
Love your guilts....
Happy Anniversary to your parents! Wow! 72 years is an amazingly long time to be married.
Who wrote The Shack?
Happy Anniversary to your parents. What an accomplishment - congratulations to them both.
When my Grandma was 84, she broke her hand; a few weeks later, my Dad asked her, "is it still hurting?" -- and she said: "not really -- unless I carry something heavy."
It must have been a good date for a wedding. Today is also my parents anniversary. 47 years for them. Happy anniversary to yours, it is quite the acomplishment!
I just love your cobblestones. I really need to get some more lights and give them a go myself. Just beautiful.
Wow!! 72 years! I am going on 7 years- your parents are an amazing example that marriage is forever! I hope your father feels better soon! ~ Jennie
That's incredible - give them my best, they are an inspiration!
WOW, wish your parents a happy anniversary from me! (I need to ask my grandparents what their magic number is... We'll see them after a quilt show on Saturday.)
Congratulations to your parents! I have been reading The Shack too. I will be interested in your thoughts on the book. Happy days together and happy reading.
(skipped over earlier comments until later)
I loved The Shack ~ have given copies to several friends locally and it is one of the few non-quilting books I've read that I kept my own copy.
72 years?!?!?
How blessed they are to have each other AND YOU...
It is warm here for now (trees in full bloom, including pollen on the cars), but changing to rain and cold tonight for the next several days. I agree ~ spring is a quick change artist.
72 years, that is wonderful! Wishing many more to come. Congratulations to your Mom and Dad. I hope your Dad will be feeling better soon. I have to say that flipping a mattress is no easy task for anyone.
Who is the author of "The Shack", I may have to check that one out. Always looking for a good read.
Your cobblestones are looking beautiful. I always look forward to seeing your quilting results.
72 years has to be some sort of a record. God bless them! Hugs from me too. Even though I've never met them, they get gold stars!
Congradulations and best wishes to your parents on this happy day.
I thought 48 was long. I love all the wonderful pictures you post. Thanks.
72 YEARS is amazing ~ so few couple's make it that long. And to live in independant housing is so much better than to be in a nursing home. So sorry to hear your Dad has ended up going to the chiropractor because he needed to flip the mattress.
I have been told to read "The Shack" and that it is a very good book.
More Cobblestones... Always full of fun colorful fabrics.
My word - what an amazing number of years together!
Weather? IN western Nebrasks it was -3 degrees with snow this morning. 8-( ...coming your wayyyyyyy!
Wow! 72 years is amazing! Happy Anniversary to them!
Love your cobblestones -- of course.
I'm currently reading Pillars of the Earth, but I'm rationing it -- no more than a chapter at a time. LOL I like to make books last when I'm really enjoying them.
What a wonderful heritate - 72 years married! The Shack was a great book and timely for me.
I'm curious about your cobblestone blocks. They are simular to square in a square - what's the difference?
What a MILESTONE.......72 years....I wish them well and many more years of happiness together!
Congratulations to your parents.
I think for their anniversary they should get on of the new mattresses that NEVER need turning!
How wonderful that you still have both your parents and they can live in their own apt. Congratulate them for me on 72 years!
I don't think I've ever heard of anyone celebrating their 72nd anniversary. How wonderful and and how blessed your family is! I just went through your blog...I haven't been doing any reading for over a month now but plan to get in the swing of things again. My parents are home now and my life should be returning to normal... Thanks for filling this dreary day with color, beauty and happiness!
Wanda, how wonderful for you and your parents--72 years--WOW! Hope your dad's shoulder heals really well. I will remember him in my prayers. I really enjoyed The Shack. You must have a green thumb with your plants.
Congratulations to your parents and best wishes to them. I hope that your Father's shoulder is feeling better today. It's easy to feel that I'm still young and able to do what I could years ago, so I understand his perspective.
WOW, 72 yrs! I think they may have broken a record! How wonderful! Ok, if I say anything about the fabrics and the piecing, I will just sound like a broken record, oh well, I will say it anyway, just fabulous!
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