Sunday, June 23, 2019

More elastic...........

This is the 5th little dress that I needed to replace the elastic on.  I made this for my oldest granddaughter (now 31) when she was 3.  I have a 4 generation photo taken at a wedding reception where she is wearing it.  I finally have all of the repairing done.

Today is my youngest granddaughter's bridal shower so we will see a lot of family and friends.
I took a walk in the back yard and look what I found!  This tomato plant had tomatoes on it when I bought it and now they are ripening.  It is the 4th of July variety.

There were 3 on that plant and one on a plant along my driveway.  I'm not giving the squirrels a chance to mess with them.  They can finish ripening on the windowsill.

My Asian Lily is in bloom surrounded by Evening Primrose.

This Annabelle Hydrangea was right next to the area where the hail pile was and some of its branches got broken off.  The one in front of my house looks good too.

They say they are coming to do my roof on Wednesday....the weather is always in charge for roofing and so far it looks like it might be a hot dry day.

I'm still working on descriptions and photos of items for my pop-up shop which will open on Wednesday June 26 for subscribers of my mailing list and on Thursday for non-subscribers.  (sign up form on my right side bar)


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

have fun with your family and the wedding

rondiquilts said...

Enjoy the shower and family today. I've enjoyed these posts yesterday and today. We have been in the process of downsizing the last couple of years. I've been going through boxes long put away. I made all my daughters clothes till she was in middle school. After middle school it was mostly special occasions I sewed for. What surprised me most? Was that after all these years of just worrying about a 1/4" seam and that points matched up and blocks were the correct size that I used to be a talented seamtress. Especially all the Easter dresses. All the work I put into them. They look like works of art. So much detail. I guess at the time I was a busy, young Mother and didn't realize it. They have been cleaned and put away for the next generation. My daughter is 35, no grandchildren yet to wear them.
Thank you for blogging Wanda. Always brightens my day.

Shelina said...

Your lilies look great among the primrose. I have orange lilies next to my primrose!

JJM said...

Nice Sunday post today Wanda. I so enjoyed seeing all your little dresses you made for grand daughter and to see they are now ready to pass on to the next generation.

Delicious looking tomatoes, and lovely blossoming plants.


Kerry said...

Lovely photos. So pleased you discovered hidden treasure in the garden and the squirrels can't get it now! Enjoy the bridal shower today and the tomatoes when they ripen!