Thursday, February 13, 2025

Hanging sleeve #2

I had been dreading sewing the hanging sleeve on the second quilt for my grandson and his wife.  Lots of black to deal with.  I finally decided how to stitch from the front to catch the top edge and used charcoal gray thread so I could see where I had stitched.  This side is going against a wall so it won't matter that it wasn't black thread.

I continued working on it and got all of the hand stitching done.  Now I have to get the 2 quilts in a box and mail them to the east coast.  Here is the full photo of this quilt which I think will hang in their entryway on a huge wall.

This quilt was all basted and ready for quilting so I wound a bobbin and started quilting it.

I got the 4 crosswise seams quilted first and then started on the vertical seams.  I'm about a third done quilting it.

By 5 p.m yesterday this is how much snow we had, maybe an inch.  There was a pocket of dry air that blew into the storm area and without moisture in the air, there wasn't any snow for several hours.  I know we got more snow after dark, but maybe only enough to cover the top of the grass that you see poking out in this photo.  Next storm Friday into Saturday morning. 


Cherie Moore said...

Using grey thread is a good alternative to black, in my opinion. Anything to help with being able to see what you are sewing since it’s on the back of the quilt. You and Patty have struggled with the black on black problem in your recent finishes. We’ve had cold rain and the forecast is for that to continue.

Julierose said...

Black on black is a literal nightmare to sew!! The gray thread was a good solution;)))
35 here this morning; snowed early last evening and then turned into rain...still a bit of snow on the lawns but trees and driveways, roads, etc all clear now. We re due for a Fri-Sat storm also--they are predicting freezing rain to sleet here--ugh!!
I am still resting my hands; they are feeling much better--maybe
by this weekend I can resume a little stitching...hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

The quilt is another beauty (thanks for linking back to it). Of course I'm partial to the homespun you're working on.....The storm wasn't as severe as predicted and fortunately there was no wind. But it's going to be cold the next few days!

Linda said...

Smart to use the grey thread on black! That quilt is going to look spectacular in their entryway - hope they send you a picture.

patty a. said...

Sewing on hanging sleeves is not the most fulfilling job, but that quilt will look spectacular hanging! So far all we have received where I live is rain which is fine with me. Tonight the temps will drop to 17 so it will be interesting to see what happens.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that quilt will look great on the wall - they should love it. Pretty snow nice it wasn't an excessive amount.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I hope they send you lots of photos once that quilt is hanging on their wall - it is going to look amazing! As for the snow - we are actually being told to expect 5-6 inches mid-week next week. I don't doubt it but I'll believe it once it is on the ground.

JJM said...

From hand stitching to machine stitching ~ you sure kept the day moving along and it had to feel good to get that much accomplished.

And some snow to let you know winter is still around. Still -13 below at 8:00 a.m. here, which means I walk on my tread mill. I usually wait till it hits 10 above before I walk outside. But is another treadmill day, because of appointment early this afternoon.

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely quilt for an entry hall and I have used your method of grey thread on black fabrics because ya can't use black thread and stay sane!
The ice on tree branches has melted and perhaps our high of 55*F today will melt the last of the frozen snow off the evergreens.


Vicki W said...

I don't know why, but I really hate sewing on sleeves. I'll procrastinate for days for a job that takes only a couple of hours at most.