Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Not much progress.............

I did get some sewing done last night, all of the triangles sewn on that I had prepared the day before.    After I finished all of those I finished knitting the dishcloth that was on the needles.  I didn't get around to looking for more fabrics to finish the cutting so I'll do that today.

They have possible ice storms predicted for 2 days this week so I made another run to the grocery store and post office.  When I got home I did a load of laundry.  I can't remember what else I did but the day flew by.  It got up to 49 degrees in the early afternoon and then the temperature started dropping.  It will only be in the 20s today.


cityquilter grace said...

good to keep busy....bad weather this week here as well...cabin fever creeping in so time to find a bit of diversion...

Cherie Moore said...

Yes, they are warning of ice here this week as well. Yesterday though it was in the 50’s so we got out for a lovely walk which is good medicine for cabin fever!

Linda said...

Your dishcloth is so neat looking. I wish we had just a touch of your weather - ours is crazy! Stay warm. :)

Quiltdivajulie said...

We were in the high 60s yesterday with glorious sunshine. Today, not so much - heavy clouds, misty air, and rain on the way with much cooler temps starting tomorrow. We go below freezing again next week (will need to cover the daffodils as they are now budding). Hope the ice isn't too terrible.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hope you do not get an ice storm so it is good to be prepared!

Julierose said...

I went out shopping today, too--we hear that storms are headed to our area....maybe the ones you'll get coming east?
42 right now and the snow has pretty much melted away.
I will be pin basting my BB1 [I still think it's too bright!! But it is what it is, right?] and making us a Shepher'd's Pie for supper...
hugs, julierose

JJM said...

Good to hear you were able to get out and about yesterday… and get some sewing and knitting in as well.

Snow, snow, and more snow here in the mountains. Real winter finally got around to giving us more snow than we wanted.

patty a. said...

Sounds like you had a busy productive day. I am not looking forward to dealing with ice. The city was out early this morning spreading salt everywhere! They even spread it on the secondary streets which they normally don't do. There are two hills I have to travel to work on and the city salts them well especially since they are main roads.