Saturday, February 1, 2025

January 2025 monthly recap................

I'm happy to have one finish for January 2025 and I ditch quilted it on my Pfaff sewing machine.  I like designing with the little rectangles in my colorwash wall hangings.  I don't always work yellow into them but I got a good variety of it in this one.  It is 31.25" x 50.25".

I also finished 3 table runners.  I'm hoping to get a lot of little projects finished this year.  I have plenty of large quilts right now but I still need to make more baby quilts.  

Making baby quilts gives me a chance to try a lot of ideas without having to spend a lot of time on each quilt.  If I like an experiment well enough I can make a larger quilt with the pattern.  This year I am jotting down ideas for new quilts as I think about them, and keeping it all in one notebook for a change.  Every day I review the older pages after I add a new idea.

I'm going the wrong direction again with more new tops than finishes but I still have less than 30 waiting to be finished, so I'm happy.  On the left is a Plaid-ish quilt top (free pattern from Kitchen Table Quilting).  It is 46" x 64" and made of Kaffe Fassett collective fabrics.  On the right is a flannel baby quilt size top, 40" square.

I took my van for its weekly ride to keep the battery charged and did my grocery shopping while I was out.  It was a pretty low key day otherwise.


Cherie Moore said...

If I kept a notebook, it would be full of random notes, half-baked ideas and pipe dreams…..maybe I should start one ;-)

Helenchaffin said...

I luv journaling too, it comes in handy to know how many blocks you cut down to how many bobbins you went through ,you are going to enjoy this beautiful quilt for many months to come

Julierose said...

Good idea to keep all your quilt ideas in one notebook--mine are jotted here and there in my many they pop up to me...
Lovely January finish--one of my favorites of your lovely color wash pieces..
35.2 here this morning and gray skies yet again...yesterday was so foggy and dark it's nice to see some lighter, if coudy, skies.
Hugs for a super weekend...Julierose

Libby in TN said...

A very productive January! Love seeing your colorwash quilts.

Carolyn said...

Love the colorwash quilt! I am doing the same thing this year—keeping a running list of inspiration projects I would like to do this year.

Mary said...

I keep a "scribble book" for ideas for projects and the blog. It is very messy.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you got so many done in January granted some had already been started but it was a lot of finishes!

JJM said...

January 2025 was a beautiful month of finishes ~ I’d say… 4 completed and 2 “pre ~ finishes” couldn’t have been any better. Always fun to see your monthly roundup.

Anonymous said...

Great finishes! The Plaid-ish quilt top is my favorite. I watched with interest as you used Kaffe large prints for the light, dark and medium values and pulled off beautifully! Other Plaid-ish quilts I've seen featured solids, grunge, and small prints.Your fabric choices give the plaid effect AND add so much interest and movement. On another note, how do you stitch in the ditch when quilt sections are pressed to one side? Donna T (I don't have a URL)

Barbara Anne said...

You never fail to amaze me with all the quilting progress you make in a month and the delight variety of quilts you make!! Applause, applause!


patty a. said...

You had a great January!