Sunday, February 2, 2025

Starting to cut.................

I started cutting a new project, most likely a baby quilt unless I have so much fun that I want to make it larger.

I showed a pile of pastel Kaffe collective fabric scraps a couple days ago.  Yesterday I pressed them and chose some corner fabrics and then had a cutting session.  I'm using the Bow Tie die but this quilt will be all light squares with a darker triangle corner.  I have seen this quilt on several blogs and liked it.

This is the whole selection I have cut so far.  I have one more triangle fabric to cut and may add a couple more if I can find some that have the same feel.

The rest of the day was a lot of thinking about new projects and doing laundry.



Cherie Moore said...

Fun, a new quilt! I like working with die cut pieces as they are easy to align.

Julierose said...

Oh this looks really neat, Wanda--nice and colorful for baby's developing eyes;))))
11 degrees here this morning; snow predicted this evening--not much--maybe 1" or so-- but it'll surely be cold enough...
hugs, Julierose

cityquilter grace said...

pretty pastels....laundry crossed my mine this morning as

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have the die for that one - I started to cut pieces once for it and then realized I was getting the color combo wrong and never went back to it - I wonder where I put those pieces?

Nann said...

And you just wrote about the number of quilts you have in the to-be-finished queue . . . but I know well that a new project can provide a burst of energy and inspiration.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love that you can die cut this one -- I cut my version with a rotary cutter.

JJM said...

Your pastels make me feel like spring is on its way. Perfect fabrics for a baby quilt or not.

Mary said...

Bow tie blocks are one of my favorites. Love the fabric pull.

patty a. said...

What cute fabrics for the bowtie pieces! Using up those precious scraps will make a cute quilt.