Monday, August 19, 2024


I did a lot of sorting of batik scraps yesterday.  I pulled everything large enough to cut a 6.5" square for a friend's quilt and then sorted smaller pieces to cover both areas on this die.  That left a pile of mostly strips up to 3.5" wide.  They will go into a bag for a future destash sale.

I have this same die for 12" blocks so I can make both 12" and 6" blocks for the same quilt.  I have one more box of batik scraps to go through today.

The tomato plants are in a lull right now with lots of green tomatoes but not much ripening. The little Sun Gold cherry tomatoes are just starting to have more than 3 tomatoes a day.  The plant has gone wild again this year, sending out branches that cover both of the other tomato cages in the raised bed.  I tried to keep up with tucking the branches into the 5' tall cage as they grew but I missed a few and they are 3' long already.


patty a. said...

That is a interesting block! I can't wait to see the magic you do with it with your batiks!

Julierose said...

I like that "windmill" die a lot...for me, that fractured one would take a whole lot of planning for fabric choices...
Home grown tomatoes are so good!! We had farmer's Market tomatoes on our BLT's last night--what a tasty treat!!
71 here and last night's rainfall=0.57--was a decent enough amount to wash the air of that smoke from the wildfires...
so the air seems a lot fresher this morning...
Hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like that die and nice to have in two sizes. The tomato plants do tend to go crazy sometimes I bet they start to ripen again soon

Anonymous said...

Interesting block! I went to Instagram to see #fracturedtumbler and was disappointed there were only two photos. Looking forward to seeing yours! -Roxanne

Quiltdivajulie said...

I don't think I've seen that die before (I tend to use what I have and not visit the Go! website often). Fractured Tumblers is a fun idea (especially if they are scrappy!

Barbara Anne said...

What an interesting block and I, too, think it's great you have it in 2 sizes. I look forward to seeing the batik quilt using this block.
Our high today is 83*F but this bother is that the humidity was 98% this morning which was awful. It has dropped to 57% but storms are possible later.


Mystic Quilter said...

Never seen this die before but we have very few available here in NZ and I stick with the basic ones, they're terrible expensive here also.