Monday, August 26, 2024

Binding started.....................

Yesterday felt like a binding day so I sewed the strips together and got it sewn onto the quilt.  I have hand stitched one long side and half of a short side so far.  I'm sure a print wouldn't have been the choice of a lot of people but it just felt right to me.  Click on the photo for a closer look at how it is looking with both front and back of the quilt.

I showed a new die a few days ago and I cut up some batik scraps and sewed some of one of the blocks shown on the die.  It obviously isn't working well with light, medium and dark used randomly.  All of these blocks are made of 2 fabrics each.  The blocks are 3" finished.

I made a few more blocks with 4 colors per block and very light fabrics for 2 of them.  It looks like this is the way to go, 2 values with fairly high contrast.  I will sew some of the other block on the die today.  



cityquilter grace said...

second try much better...needed higher contrast...

Julierose said...

I like the binding you chose!! The light/dark values in each block look really good with that die...this will be so pretty:)))
64.4 here early on with DP64--so going to be humid--but we are supposed to get thunder storms this afternoon--we'll see if the ocean breezes push them north of us as they usually have done this Summer...
We will go for an early walk on the riverside boardwalk; soon it will be not available as they are building a new bridge and that will be one of their staging areas. Enjoy while we can....hugs, Julierose

Linda said...

That binding is one of the prettiest I've ever seen, and it looks fantastic with both sides. That's an interesting new die.

patty a. said...

With the high contrast you do get the pinwheels showing much better, but I do like the mushiness of the other blocks too.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love the print binding it goes well with the quilt

Cherie Moore said...

I, too, like the print binding. Your new die cuts small pieces….a 3” block!

Nann said...

The new blocks take me back years and years. Martha Thompson's Square Dance used that block (with a hand-drawn template). Her starter project was a placemat. I made two and, thirty years later, I still have them and use them every so often. Then I made a baby quilt with 30's fabrics. That baby was born in 1999. The family moved away so I have no idea what happened to it............I'm sure the die is easier to use than positioning that cut-from-plastic template.

JJM said...

Oh Wanda ~ thats a perfect binding to with front and back and really adds even more to the beauty of the quilt. And OMG that new die cut is one that you will have fun creating with.

Barbara Anne said...

Your binding fabric choice was, as usual, spot on perfect! It snuggles right into all of the colors, front and back.
I agree that the strong contrast between fabrics cut with that new die are much easier to work with in the layout. There is no doubt that you'll find a use for the blocks with less contrast!
Out hotter days are here with a high of 91*F today and gradually hotter as the week goes on, but we're not forecast to get higher than 98*F and for that, I am grateful.
