Sunday, August 4, 2024

In the studio...................

Two quilts arrived home from longarmer Robin and are waiting to be trimmed and binding sewn on.  Maybe by the end of the week I'll get that done.

Some stratas were sewn for the beginning of a quilt with Terrie Mangat fabric.  If my idea doesn't work, I can use these as part of a backing.

Still hot and humid here.  Tuesday predicted to be 73 degrees.  I hope it is true.



Donna said...

Lovely colors material and it's heading to the 100's here...

Linda said...

73 degrees sounds like heaven. It's 76 here but it's 6:30am - 97 is predicted. I like the start on the Terrie Mangat fabric - do you write your own patterns?

cityquilter grace said...

love love love your quilts wanda...still hot here as well..arctic looking more and more tempting every day...

Nann said...

Great contrast in the top photo quilt stack! The strata look promising.... It didn't get as hot as predicted yesterday. Lovely cool morning as I type this.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hot/dry here - everything is drying out so much I put the water on the azaleas last night for 3 hours the leafs were drooping so much they were really needing it. I seem to pick a different spot ever night - 2 hours here and 2 hours there to keep things alive. I hope these very hot days end soon - looks like by the end of the week maybe but still no rain in sight. One day the water company will say no outside watering - they haven't for a couple years hope they wait awhile longer.

JJM said...

Quilt tops and stratas in waiting ~ looking forward to tomorrows post to see which one you decide to work on, or neither .