Thursday, August 29, 2024

Binding time..........

I have gotten into the habit of getting the quilts trimmed and bound shortly after they are quilted.  I looked for binding choices for this pink quilt and found 4 stripes as well as the leftover backing with butterflies.  The one on the right is too pale, second from right is used in the piecing and is at the edge of the quilt in a couple places so they are both out of contention.

I finally decided I liked the dark pink stripe because it echoes the darker pinks in the quilt so it doesn't look so pastel.

Then I had to make the decision, hand or machine finish.  I almost went with hand finished and then changed my mind and went to my earlier decision that this would probably end up with a child and the binding should be extra sturdy.

I wasn't sure I would get this far on it but I did get 2 sides stitched down by machine.  Two to go today for another finish.

I wasn't sure if any part of the storm late Tuesday night was going to hit us but there was 2.25" of rain in the gauge on the west side of the house.  It had been a dry week so we needed the rain. 


cityquilter grace said...

that would have been my choice as well...

Julierose said...

I really like that binding you chose--just right; and machine binding is a good choice for a child's quilt, too, I feel...
65 here this a.m., overcast and not too humid yet. We are supposed to have a few days' cool down until Sunday--we shall see.
Hugs Julierose

Donna said...

Lovely choice for the binding! SSSooo pretty!

Anonymous said...

I feel so validated that you chose the binding I liked best! Maybe my color sense is improving. Wish we would get some rain, big cracks are developing in the garden soil!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Good call on the darker pink binding - what a delightful quilt! We've not had any rain for a while now and the trees/plants/yards are really, really showing it. There's a definite yellow tone to what had been lush green trees.

JJM said...

Enjoyed reading and seeing your progress on the binding for your so pretty pink heart quilt.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like that dark stripe it really goes well with it. I have not tried to machine bind a quilt - I guess I should sometime start to practice on one

Cherie Moore said...

I am am working to improve my machine finishing binding. Yours looks smooth and even…..hoping I can get the same results with practice. Any tips?

Nann said...

Good choice for the binding! Once a quilt is quilted I'm anxious to get it all done so I attend to the binding promptly. (Labeling, however, tends to get put off.) Only 78 today and it feels great.

Barbara Anne said...

Excellent choice of binding fabric and I enjoyed seeing the fabrics you considered using. The deep pink stripe certainly frames the quilt center well.
Please send rain our way. Thank you!
