Friday, August 23, 2024

More binding in my future................

Two quilts are back from my longarm friend Robin and I sent 2 more home with her.  I should have every large quilt quilted by the end of this year.  I know I want to hand finish the binding on the Kaffe Fonthill quilt but I haven't decided about the pink heart quilt yet.

I finished sewing the last seams of the neutral color 16 patch top and the staystitching around the perimeter at 10 last night.  I'll get it pressed and photographed today.

Now I need to get back to cutting pieces for future quilts, long range intense cutting.  Meanwhile I'll probably do some sewing on a quick quilt.



Anonymous said...

You are on a binding spree this August--it always feels so good to have quilts all bound...;)))
55 here this morning and sunny once again--it's getting a bit more humid, but still okay...
Looking forward to a visit from my daughter this afternoon along with her new friend;))) they are attending a local concert this evening and are stopping by beforehand...hitting the market this morning for some appetizers, etc.
Hugs for a good weekend of cutting Julierose

Linda said...

Congratulations on so many finishes!!

judi said...

When you staystitch your quilt tops, what stitch length do you use? Congrats on all the finishes.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Fonthill is home!! Eager to see it all finished. I have several projects staged to be cut out but I've been dealing with a low-grade fever this week and have hardly been in the studio. Good thing fabrics are patient.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like your friend is a fast quilter!

JJM said...

You and Robbin make quite a ‘stitching’ team. Helping you to complete finishes on your quilt tops from days gone by ~ you are really making a dent in your stash of quilt tops waiting to be finished.

Barbara Anne said...

What glorious finished quilts and I look forward to your binding decisions.
The 16 Patch quilt is delicious and congratulate you on this quick finish of the top. You're a wonder, Wanda!!
Now you've shared your secret to having blocks waiting in your bins. You cut, cut, cut, sew, sew, sew and tuck matching blocks away for future use. Ah Ha!


Mystic Quilter said...

You're on a roll with your quilts all quilted ready for binding bd so good to see the peek of Fonthill, looking so good!