Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Prep work.................

There were severe storm warnings last night so I unplugged the sewing machine and did prep work for this Interweave quilt while I watched season finales of the 3 FBI shows.  As of 11:15 last night we hadn't gotten a drop of rain although the wind was strong most of the day yesterday.  Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin got most of the big storms.  

I went out in the late afternoon to take a picture of this shaggy center peony.  I had to hold onto the stem to get an in focus shot because of the wind.

I'm only seeing one Dianthus plant this year.  There is usually another with red flowers but so far I don't see any sign of it.

I took a picture of the 2 Peony bouquets that I cut on Monday.  

I couldn't resist a photo of a view from the top of the bouquet on the left.


Mary said...

The Interweave pattern looks like a fun one to work on. Have you had enough rain this year to break the drought you were experiencing? I keep hearing El Nino is going to end which means a return to drought for us. One of the drawbacks of this nice moist year is a bigger and more aggressive crop of flies. They are a real nuisance.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Beautiful peonies!!!

Mike Goad said...
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Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

pretty flowers. we missed the bad storms by an hour -

Julierose said...

Good to hear you didn't get those strong storms, Wanda!! It looked really scarey on the Weather last night for your area!!
74 here and sunny--you know where I'll be stitching;))) Went out early for a walk and an now ready to sit and stitch...
hugs, Julierose

JJM said...

Good to hear the storms by-passed you. And happy you were able to get out and get a photo or two. You captured great photos of your gorgeous peony bouquets. They take my breath away.


Barbara Anne said...

The Interweave pattern is rather daunting. Do the instructions tell you to assemble it in strips or make blocks (like 4 patches) and then assemble the chunks?

Lovely flowers indoors and outside!

Rain is in our forecast for the coming 5 days but it remains to be seen what actually falls here. We're already an inch more than our normal rainfall for May.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Oh, such lovely flowers! I stopped yesterday and today at garden centers to buy annuals and veggie plants, but it is storming right now. Hopefully, I can get things planted when it all stops. Love that Interweave pattern.

patty a. said...

The flowers are so beautiful! Had a storm roll thru here about 10:30 this morning and now it is just windy. Looks like we could get another storm around 4 just when I am digging up those plants. LOL!!

Shelina said...

That is going to be a beautiful quilt in those colors. Your flowers are gorgeous! We got storms here too. Hope you got enough rain for your plants.