Monday, May 13, 2024

Outside and inside.....................

I decided it was probably safe to put the tomato plants in the ground.  This is an Early Girl plant for my neighbor girls.

I have 3 plants in the raised bed in the backyard.  The front 2 corners have rotted so the big rocks are holding up the front board.  I have one Sun Gold in the back and an Early Girl and a 4th of July in the front.

3 of the plants I bought were the larger more expensive plants so they have fruit on them already.

There is one good size one on this plant.

My three lilac bushes have been blooming for about a week now.  The scent is strong on this variety and it is right outside my bedroom window.  The whole house smells like lilacs.

They aren't as showy as the old fashioned lilacs.  These are pale lavender but they look almost white when fully open.

I found another Columbine blooming in the back garden.  I have lots of weeds that need to be cleared out back there.  I can hardly find my paver path through the garden.

My daughter's family sent me roses for Mother's Day.  The photo of the whole bouquet didn't turn out but the close ups did.

It is a combination of white and yellow roses.

I sewed pink/green triangle blocks for 3 hours last night.  In 2 nights sewing I have 102 sewn and I need 120.

This is the pile of leftovers from the groups I have already sewn.  I think there are enough for another quilt.



Julierose said...

Those roses are gorgeous--such a pretty yellow!!
Love those lilacs--a pretty old fashioned flower for sure...we had a purple one when I was growing up...they make lovely cuttings for bouquets.
Your flowering fabrics are so pretty in that stack;)))

53 here as I am off to see my dentist!! Not my favorite visit for sure!!
But the sun is shining and we will take a nice walk when I get home...
Hugs, Julierose

Sue Swank said...

I've not ever seen a pink columbine. It's lovely.

Mary said...

Your tomato plants look nice and healthy. It's quite a trick to plant one bearing fruit already. It would be very easy to knock off the baby tomatoes.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

pretty roses and lilac's. All of my tomato plants were small and very green when I got them. They are still short but now getting blossoms on them so your tomatoes are way ahead of mine. Mine just have not taken off which they do at times. I keep expecting any day for them to take off growing tall.

Sue said...

I so enjoy reading your blog about your quilts and plants every morning. This morning’s post about the pavers being hidden in weeds struck a note. In October we moved into town from a farm twelve miles away, remodeling a house built in 2000. There was lots of finding the right spot for everything, burying internet cable across the back yard and downsizing Bill’s 40’ x 60’ barn into a detached 14’ x 24’ shop. Last month when he began to mow for the first time, he noticed about 2’ of the internet cable was just lying on top of the ground, so he grabbed a shovel and went out to bury it. He came in later and said, “Come see what I found.” In digging a trench for the cable, he hit a rock—and unearthed a 12” round paver about 6’ from the back sidewalk. Very odd. It was between the house and the shop—could there be more? He ended up unearthing 17! A straight pathway of pavers from sidewalk to shop, covered over with grass from the years of neglect of the yard by the 94-year-old lady we had bought the house from.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I have a big stack of pink and green leftover HSTs as well and I’m thinking about making a small scrappy quilt with them but not until the attic project is finished by DH and I have clear access to my sewing space.

Nann said...

Without trying I've succeeded in having a garden of overgrown perennials. Gotta work on vegetables this week. You'll come up with something wonderful for the Kaffe scraps.

Vicki W said...

Your tomatoes look great and the roses are beautiful!

JJM said...

Your energy for tending your gardens and sewing every day is always a treat to hear about and see. Your Mother’s day roses are beautiful.


patty a. said...

You have some great looking tomato plants! The roses are beautiful! With all the rain we had late last week and Saturday, everything has really grown in my beds. Not much in the way of any color, but lots of growth.

Barbara Anne said...

Your roses and lilacs are lovely and I wish our lilacs were as large and healthy as yours.

When you're on a roll, you do keep sewing or cutting as you know there will be a use for the extra blocks sooner or later! Love the fabrics!

DS1, DIL, and their cat Dottie are in South Carolina now headed for us (outside Richmond) where they will look for a new home!!!! Do pray they'll find the house in the right place, the right price, and at the right time, please and thank you! We are so excited!


O'Quilts said...

Lovely post. Certainly wish lilacs grew in Charlotte xo