Saturday, May 11, 2024

An everything else day..................

I took a daylight photo of the pink/blue layout and this is closer to what my design wall looks like but just a little bit light.  Yesterday's photos were too high of contrast which made the lights too light and the darks too dark.

This one was taken last night with lights on.  I get better color and contrast when I'm taking a photo from the side instead of straight on.  I turned one piece and the layout looks better (5th row in from the left, 4th piece down).

Yesterday was a day crowded with too many things to do and none of them were sewing.  I hope to get back at it today.



Julierose said...

this is so pretty--Wanda--nice work getting all those blocks up in place
[ouchy, my back!!].
50 here and sunny --for now anyway--I hear rain is on the way...doing house cleaning pretty much today...looking forward to my daughter's visit tomorrow...hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

It's coming together nicely. Did you see the northern lights? I didn't--kicking myself!--hope the show will be good tonight.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

same for me I was just too busy doing other things. I think the arrangement on the wall looks really nice.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I like that from the side photo -- you are moving right along!!!

Mary said...

This is a pretty quilt. I think I would have a hard time keeping all the half square triangles turned right.

JJM said...

I too enjoyed seeing the side view as it shows a softness to it that yesterday’s photo didn’t pick up. I had to scroll back and see the difference you were talking about. Just so pretty ~


Barbara Anne said...

This quilt is looking wonderful and I applaud your looking to see which blocks need to move elsewhere, swap places, or rotate to be 'just right'!

I'm have a long hiatus from sewing as all of my limited energy is going to prepare for DS1, DIL, and their cat, Dottie to arrive day after tomorrow. They'll be looking for a house to buy here!!!


Vicki W said...

That's going to be really pretty!