Saturday, January 1, 2022

Yearly recap...2021........

 I had 16 complete finishes in 2021.  Two of them were pretty old waiting for their turn.  8 of them were pieced in 2021 and will also be in the quilt tops collage.  The other 6 were pieced in 2020.  

I finished 3 table runners and made 19 table mats that are 8.5" x 11".

I made 27 quilt tops.  8 were quilted in 2021, 6 were sold, and the remaining 13 will wait their turn to be quilted or sold.  What this means is I have 5 more tops waiting to be finished than I did at the end of 2020.

I think my biggest accomplishment of the year was the big landscaping project.  I had to dig out plants I wanted to save for 2 weeks, replanting some in the back garden, the rest in pots.  Then after the front loader dug out all of the invasive plants and bushes and many tree roots and brought in 5" of new soil I had a month long project of planting in the cleaned up space.  Next summer I will take photos of the filled in plants and post comparison photos of freshly planted and one year later.  It was hard work and I really have a hard time believing I did it at 80 years old in our hot and dry summer.

I don't choose a word of the year or make resolutions.  Every day is a gift and I am thankful for every one of them.

Happy New Year everyone!!!!


Mary said...

You had a fabulously productive 2021. Thank you so much for continuing to share your life and inspiration with us.

Roxanne said...

I enjoy all that you have gathered into your life and how you share it with us. Happy New Year, Wanda!

DianeN said...

Happy New Year, Wanda. You are an inspiration, not only with your quilting but with what you were able to accomplish with your landscaping.

I wish you a healthy, happy and peaceful 2022.

JoZart Designs said...

Happy New Year Wanda. Thanks for a year bursting full of creativity and inspiration. What an achievement to see all your finishes.
Good luck, good health and plenty of happy stitching for 2022.
Jo in Liverpool, England

Julierose said...

WOW you accomplished a whole lot in 2021--lots of beautiful finishes on all fronts. And that re-do of your garden was amazing...
Happy New Year--hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you do so much - you continue to be an inspiration to many of us quilters - have a great new year - so love all the quilts you make

Quiltdivajulie said...

I don’t make resolutions either … they only make me feel guilty when I can’t or don’t keep them. I do choose a word simply because I love quotations and the word gives me a focus for gathering and sharing them throughout the year. You and your work are a steady and much-appreciated source of inspiration and your daily blog posts are a touchstone in my mornings. Thank you, Wanda - here’s to another year of joyful, colorful making.

BatikFanatic said...

Happy 2022, Wanda, and thank you for sharing these beauties with us. I get so much inspiration from seeing your creations, be they fabric or garden. It's also fun to look at a piece and puzzle out "how did she DO that??" May you enjoy continued good health, the joy of family and friends, and lots of beauty and inspiration this year!

Chris said...

Hello Wanda, I think your final quote is a good message for the year - every day is a gift. How true!
Happy new year!

JustGail said...

Wow! That's a lot of gorgeous work. And with all that garden work on top of it... Well Done! It is quite apparent I spend way too much time reading what others are getting accomplished, instead of getting my own projects done!

Shelina said...

Wow you have had a really busy year with so many beautiful quilt projects. My favorite is the checkerboard with the asterisks in the top right of the first picture. And the gardening too. Also your photography. Your gorgeous quilts look wonderful in the collages like that. I am really impressed with everything you do. Happy New Year!

Lynn Dykstra said...

I love the lighter tone of your 2021 quilts grouping. I think it is those fabulous pinks that do this. We need more pink quilts in the world!

Gayle Bong said...

Very inspiring. Both the quilts and the landscape work. Thank you, thank you

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Such a delightful selection of finishes, very inspiring!

JJM said...

Spectacular 2021 finishes ! ! ! You know I treasure each one you design and create.



Charlotta said...

You are so amazing and impressive. I’m kind of glad to hear that you don’t choose a word or make new year’s resolutions. I don’t either. I feel like both are more for show than anything else, and that if people want to make changes or focus on something in particular they can just do that, and do it any time. No need for it to happen January 1st or to proclaim it to the world.
All the best for you in the coming year, and always. 💖🕊

The Inside Stori said...

Very Impressive!!!!

MissPat said...

You may not choose a word for the year, but I have two words for you - Wonder Woman. I think my mantra for 2022 should be "If Wanda can do it, so can I". Thanks for the daily inspiration.

Chookyblue...... said...

Lots of beautiful quilt were made in 2021...... Will done

patty a. said...

You had a very productive year quilting and gardening! I forgot about how earlier in 2021 I was out digging up those ornamental grasses. That was hard work so I felt your pain as you worked thru some very hot weather redoing your landscaping.