Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Sewing a seam............

Yesterday didn't go as planned and I didn't get any baking done.  I sewed the long seam in this backing last night and now need to get it loaded on the longarm.   I cut the 2 pieces for the backing on Sunday,  pressed them on Monday and finally got the seam sewn Tuesday.  I'm definitely the turtle in this race to get something finished.  Slow and steady, it will get done.

Today is supposed to be 66 degrees which will break the record in Chicago if it happens.  Then very high wind is predicted as the cold front comes overnight Wed. into Thurs.  I need to go outside today and make sure I have all pots and anything else that can fly away safely into the garage.


Chris said...

Hi Wanda, This warm weather is crazy, isn't it? I have seen some confused garden plants coming up, thinking it is spring! Enjoy your day!

patty a. said...

You are so right about taking one last look to see if anything needs secured. I need to cut back my lavender and I still haven't moved that one lavender plant that seeded itself right next to the driveway. Is this back for the Kaffe orphan block quilt?

Julierose said...

This warmer weather seems to keep all the night moths and bugs out there--we were looking to see the Gemini showers and were attacked by BUGS!! Strange weather for sure.
Hugs, Julierose

Susanne said...

I feel like I am the same slow turtle with my sewing! I have one quilt top that I would like to finish this year. Just two borders to add…surely I can manage that?! I hope the weather is kind to you, stay safe!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the weather is so crazy here too - we went to bed with the bedroom window open last night and the heat shut off once again - it was 64 when we went to be and the weather said it would warm up during the night and sure enough it is 70 this morning - more windows might go up!! for us we will stay like this for 3 or 4 days but more rain coming later this afternoon

Quiltdivajulie said...

Warm here today as well then dropping into the 20s by the weekend. I will be grateful when things settle into a narrower temperature range. And as far as one big thing in the studio per day, I call that progress. Some days are just like that.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Wonderful backing! Sorry about the no baking. Hope all your stuff stays in place with the wind. We are supposed to get that wind tomorrow. Last weekend, we had 70mph gusts- never remember those>

JJM said...

Don’t be so hard on yourself, at our age we can set our own pace every day, no matter what we accomplish.

Your weather is what we had last week… get ready its going to change with rain, snow and on the cool side. Oh yah ~ we had a nasty wind also.


Dee W said...

I live in Northern Iowa and it was 72 here today. Now it's clouding up, the wind has picked up and we are under a tornado watch. Icky icky! I just sent off some book pillows/complete with book. I am planning on cookies tonight for a small party tomorrow. Unless I get sidetracked, then I'll hit the bakery on the way.

Shelina said...

Our weather here has been crazy too - cold and hot. We had high winds the other day and one of my neighbors lost a big tree branch.