Monday, December 20, 2021

Last package ready........

We had another beautiful sunset last night, much more vivid than my photo.  It is going to get warmer each day to mid 50s on Christmas eve.  The latest date we have had snow is Dec. 20th which was in 2012.  We will most likely break that record this year, 279 days since we have had snow.  Our whole year has been very similar to 2012, a year I remember very well for all of the things that happened that year.  That summer was hotter than this year but had the same near drought conditions.

This is the first bloom on my white cacti this year and it has a lot of pale pink in it.  I'm wondering if all of the blooms will be more pink than white.

I have my last box ready to mail this morning.  Now I can concentrate on the goodies for my local family.  I should be able to find some time to sew too.


patty a. said...

Had some grapple here on Saturday. Christmas day here is suppose to be partly sunny and 52. I think I will finally be able to transplant that lavender plant.

Julierose said...

It was only 21 degrees here this morning--it got so cold overnight!!
That is such a pretty cactus bloom with the pink...
Hugs, Julierose

DianeN said...

I can remember one Christmas the temperature got up to 72 degrees. Pretty warm for this part of Illinois at Christmas. Somewhere between 1982 and 1988 but I couldn't say which year it actually was. I'm disappointed there won't be any snow for Christmas once again.

Shelina said...

We've had beautiful sunsets here too. It is nice to have a warm Christmas without snow so the travel is easier for everyone, but we are going to meet on Zoom again this year.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I thought I was done with my baking and then my daughter asked me yesterday if I will be making the coffee cake she loves on Christmas Eve so she can run over and have some Christmas Morning with us while she is waiting for her house to wake up - I thought maybe I would get out of it this year lol

Lesley Gilbert said...

Just been catching up with your posts from the past 3 days. I usually get a daily email but had to come via the Bloglovin' link instead. The same thing happened about a week ago - I got your email with links for 3 days posts, all on the same email! Anyway, loved seeing your pretty plants and the red border/star looks good. Not so sure about the Chex mix - some looks like cereals and should be eaten with milk, so I'll pass on that one haha.

Connie said...

It's snowing outside and I'm not going anywhere . . . leaving the icy roads to those that have to travel. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas :)

JJM said...

You captured a Lovely warm sunset and dancing cactus blossom.

I just looked at weather for Sandwich, IL. And seeing temps in the 40’s for the week, except for Christmas eve and it showed 53 degrees. That is so warm for your area this time of year. We’ve finally got our snow here in the mountains and it looks so beautiful with that white blanket of snow.