Friday, March 14, 2025

24 new blocks..................

It was an uneventful day yesterday, mid 60s outside, a few windows open.

I stuck with the current project and finished the last 24 sixteen patch blocks.  It was too late to press them when I finished.  I don't know if I'll do a layout of the blocks today or wait until the weekend.

I finished knitting the 2 tone denim color dishcloth.  I used all of the lighter color and have a little left of the darker.  It will get paired with some other colors eventually.

The rose color cactus bud is finally at full bloom.  I noticed another bud starting on the same plant and another bud on a white one.

I gave my 4 saved over Amaryllis bulbs one last chance to bloom and only one took the threat seriously.  The flowers should open pretty soon.  I think there will only be 2.  The other 3 bulbs will likely be tossed since they are several years old and haven't bloomed other than when they were new.



Julierose said...

Good work getting those those 16 patch blocks made!!:)))
Pretty rose-colored cactus--
39 here early this morning --I didn't get to see the "blood" moon last night; but I did sleep well for the first time since the time change!!
So that is all to the good...hugs, Julierose

Cherie Moore said...

Oh fun, another cactus bloom coming. A high of 74 is predicted for this afternoon, yippee! I guess yarn is like thread, there’s either not quite enough or there’s some leftover;-)

Linda said...

Can't wait to see those blocks arranged! What a pretty hot pink that cactus is.

Anonymous said...

I had a similar show down with several amaryllis that hadn't bloomed for 3+ years - into the compost pile they went. One produced beautiful foliage there, but I suspect it wasn't warm enough to protect it through the unusually cold weather so that's probably that.

The 16 patch is very harmonious. Looking forward to the lay out!


patty a. said...

You got a lot of blocks sewn together. I am looking forward to seeing them up on the design wall. That pink cactus flower is so pretty!

Barbara Anne said...

Well done in getting the 24 sixteen patch blocks sewn! I also will enjoy seeing the layout you choose.
Lovely bright pink bloom!
It's to be 58*F here today but the coming two days should be warmer. We may have rain on Sunday, but who knows?


JJM said...

Nice production day even though it was uneventful for you…. 24 blocks and a finished knitted dish cloth is well done I’d say. And rewarded with a beautiful cactus blossom .

Mystic Quilter said...

Wanda I'm way behind once again with this darn shoulder so just scrolling through your posts! Just catching up with your Blue Pinwheels, what size are the triangles? I see you're on a second quilt with Tilda, very nice and your first top finished, I have put away Tilda fabrics to make this pattern, I do like yours very much. I succumbed today to a few of the new KF fabrics and downloaded three patterns from Free Spirit!! I can choose which one to make first.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like a good day sewing even if you don't think you got done with a lot. I'm so glad you had a day up to 60 that makes it a nice one for you