Thursday, March 20, 2025

Blooms, weather, and hand stitching................

Yesterday morning I noticed the second bud has opened on the double white Amaryllis.  I hoping the last 2 buds will open too.

There were several storms rolling through yesterday afternoon.  The second one brought hail.  It is pea size and lasted about 5 minutes.  There was heavy rain too, and we need the moisture in the ground.

There is a corner of 2 roof angles meeting in the back by the dining room window.  When the hail shoots off the roof it makes a pile on top of one of my Coral Bell plants but nothing has sent up spring growth yet so it should be OK.

The strong storms moved east and we had sunshine and a rainbow.  More rain later but not severe storms.  We were in the 40s most of the day and last night snow was supposed to start.

It is a cold start for the first day of spring.....and it is also my second grandson's thirty-fifth birthday.

All I accomplished in the sewing department was one more side of hand stitching the binding and about 12" on the 4th side.  That leaves about 48" to do today.



Julierose said...

Beautiful amaryllis blooms--lovely, creamy whites....
You've certainly had storms lately--hail and all!!
41 here and foggy/misting at least the wind has shifted away from the WNW and down to the SE--so a bit warmer...
Off to get my haircut this morning...hugs, Julierose

Mary said...

I love rainbows. Hopefully, pea size hail did not damage your roof.

patty a. said...

It's the first day of spring? I can't keep up! LOL!! It rained here during the night and it was raining on my way to work. Looks like it is going to stop soon, but then the winds are going to pick up again. Your almost done with the binding - woohoo!

JJM said...

Weather in Sandwich IL with photos yet. 🤗. Your double White Amaryllis blossoms are something to behold ~ just beautiful. Speaking of which your photo of quilt and binding is as well. Binding couldn’t be any better for this top.

Barbara Anne said...

Lovely blossoms and I'll join your hope the last buds open.
Well done in getting so much done on the Pinwheel binding!
It's in the low 70s*F here today and rain is likely this afternoon.
DH has the flu and is so grumpy. Wish he'd stayed in bed and hope I don't get it, too.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

a cold start to spring here too but at least the wind stopped, slightly breezy but nothing like it had been the past week.

Quiltdivajulie said...

We've had high winds for two days now with lower temps and very cloudy skies. Hopefully their prediction for sunshine tomorrow will be what really happens. The blue pinwheels is going to be wonderful!! (and those flowers ... sigh)

Vicki W said...

We don't get hail here very often and I'm glad for it since the cars are parked outside.

MissPat said...

I was in North Carolina Monday and we had hail (bigger than pea size). It left dimples all over my car roof, truck and hood. Beautiful amaryllis.