Tuesday, March 25, 2025


I did the layout of the Tilda 16 patch in two stages.  First I put up all of these blocks, of which there are 4 in each combination, spacing out the duplicates.

Then I cut 5 blocks from the remaining ladies print and removed 16 patch blocks to put them in the  mix.  The 2 leftover blocks are light so I may put one of them back into the bottom row.  I'll look at this again this morning and decide on the final layout and then stack and label the columns to prepare for webbing the top.

I quilted two more of the little pieces (no photo) and got the binding cut and sewn onto the two red and gray ones which are 8.5" square.

Today I'm hoping to sew the Tilda 16 patch top and get more binding sewn onto the little pieces.



cityquilter grace said...

adding the ladies' blocks really gave this zing....so sweet and low volume-ish...

Linda said...

Love the addition of the ladies!

Kathy S. said...

Pretty color scheme of the 16-patch. It definitely has a feminine feel to it.

Julierose said...

Loving how the Ladies interrupt that 16-patch pattern--really draws the eye around beautifully; ))) such nice work on this Wanda:)))
It makes me think of an afternoon tea party with the LV colorways...
44 here and sunny, but still a cold, off the ocean breeze about us.
Hugs, Julierose

JJM said...

Perfect layout ~ with your Tilda ladies surrounded by all those lovely companion blocks. This has been another of my favorites. . . And such a fun red/gray block all quilted and finished, that makes a huge statement !

Quiltdivajulie said...

Adding in the lady blocks made a BIG difference - wow. What a pretty sixteen patch plus quilt this is going to be!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like how that looks with the ladies added in it.

Nann said...

Looks as though you'll use up virtually all of your Tilda splurge! The squares are a nice break to the 16ps.

Barbara Anne said...

Love the quilt with the ladies hither and thither!


patty a. said...

Like everyone else who commented - the lady blocks add a special touch.

Vicki W said...

I also agree with Patty!

Cherie Moore said...

Oh, how fun adding in the ladies. I so love the vibe of Tilda fabrics.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I love this one. The ladies look almost ghostly, or perhaps ethereal would be a better word.

Mystic Quilter said...

The addition of the Tilda ladies works into the 16 patch quilt works so well!! Your small pieces are fascinating, I love the collection you're showing us in your posts, my favourite is the one featured March 24 at the very start of the post, excellent way of using our smaller pieces.