Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Backing, quilting, stash............

I had to turn the iron on yesterday to press the binding fabric so while I was down in the basement I chose backing for the next 2 table pieces.  Hooray for stash!

Speaking of stash, this piece I chose for the binding came from stash.  It is still available for purchase because it is one of the classic prints, but I'm glad I still had some of the original.

This is all I have left after cutting the binding, but I don't have to panic, I can get more if I need it.  Or...are we supposed to use it all and be glad it's gone?

Now I'm down to the time intensive quilting on the Crooked Cobblestone wall hanging.  I'm using the tie off feature on the sewing machine, not hand knotting ends and burying them later.  I believe in using the features built into the sewing machine.  It will take many days of stitching around center pieces in the blocks so I hope I can have this one finished by the end of the month.  I think I stitched around 12 last night.


Linda said...

Sometimes I go down the internet rabbit hole when I find a piece in my stash that I "think" I absolutely must buy more of, and when I find it I feel like I've found a treasure. That first photo is so full of pretty color.

patty a. said...

Having is stash is the best and you have a great one!

Julierose said...

Your Cobble quilt will take a lot of time--I have a tie-off feature called "fix" on my machine that I've just found and started to use!!
That is a lovely fabric from your stash--I always hate to see the end of a pretty fabric and do consider buying more; but then it's good to see it all used up, too!!
35 here with a cold N wind...hugs, julierose

Mary said...

I'm glad that fabric is still available if you want it. At least you are dealing with a wall hanging and not a big quilt. Beautiful day here, I really need to work in the yard.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I will need to see if I have a tie off feature on my machine I have only used a few of the stitches this machine has.

JJM said...

Your posts always start my days off with the beauty of your fabrics. And today is no exception. Always fun to see and hear about each day in your studios.

Quiltdivajulie said...

The backing you chose for those two small pieces is gorgeous (and a huge YES to having a deep stash). I'm torn between using up a fabric I love and feeling I need to order more right away.