Saturday, March 22, 2025

Quilting and border audition.................

I quilted these 2 table pieces last night and trimmed them.

Since the fronts are multicolor I'll probably choose a binding that I like with the back and it will most likely work with the front just fine.

A couple days ago I showed some leftover pieced strips that might work as a border on one of 2 quilt tops in progress.  This is the first one with the pieces on the right side and bottom.  I think they look good.

I tried them on this one too as top and bottom borders.  I think they are okay on this one but not especially exciting.  If I use these 2 borders on the other one I think I'll have enough for all four borders.  I'll use squares at the corners.

It was windy yesterday but I decided to do my grocery shopping anyway.  I really don't like to shop on Saturday.


Julierose said...

Great thinking on borders matching the backing for those multi-color pieces, Wanda--it never occurred to me to work that way...
great idea!!
Only 29 this morning here; but the sun is rising over the hill and it looks pretty nice. Now if that wind can just die down....
DH is feeling good this morning; laser surgery is amazing...recovery still takes some time, but is much shortened...All went well also...thankfully;))) we both slept so well last night...
Hugs, Julierose

Cherie Moore said...

I agree about not liking to shop on Saturdays. About the only shopping I like to do on a Saturday is go to the farmers markets when they start up.

Linda said...

I come to your blog for eye candy - lol! Great start to my day.
We like to shop on Thursday or Friday. It's nice to be retired. ;)

Quiltdivajulie said...

Those found strips definitely look better on the first to the bow tie border. Surprising how dull they look on the second against the black and white stripe.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

wow love that 3rd piece

JJM said...

Finishing up all these pieces has to be fun for you… and great selections for all. Especially the border for photo no. 3 its perfect. And agree that you need a border to next to your zebra stripe on no. 4 that is ‘exciting’. Great layout for a Saturday work day in your studios.

JustGail said...

I don't go out and about much on Saturdays either. I try to leave that to those on the job or at school during weekdays. Unfortunately, there's a quilt show and an embroidery show coming up that I'd normally go to on Fridays, but GD duty will make that a no-go. I don't *think* she'd appreciate those (if only for all the walking and "no touch!") at 3 years old? So I may have to venture forth on Saturdays. I'll see what the weather and my energy levels are.

Lately, I've been trying to match binding to border or backing, at least on the QOV quilts. It helps when I think that far ahead, unlike when I'm plinking along on my own scrappy quilts for months from stash fabrics. Then it's a crap-shoot what I use for binding. I usually end up buying something.

Those strips on the 2nd quilt, even though they do repeat the inner border of rectangle...I think you hit the right phrase - not especially exciting. No idea why - maybe too much competition from the black/white fabric?

Barbara Anne said...

Love your colorful little quilts and they will add pizazz to your table!
That Chinese Coin border looks great on the joyfully colorful quilt but I agree it does nothing for the 2nd quilt pictured.
DH's version of this flu means he cannot keep warm so he looks a bit like Nanook of the North even though it's 60+*F today.


Mystic Quilter said...

I love the piano key border on the first quilt, lucky find with those pieced strips.

Anonymous said...

Those colorful piano keys are perfectly in tune with the full-color top. Thank you for showing both options. I learn so much from your sharing, Wanda. I try to not miss a single day!