Monday, March 24, 2025

Working on small things................

The binding is finished on this small piece.  It finished at 12.25" square.  The backing is the same as the one yesterday.

I found 6 more small pieces to finish.  I cut batting and backings for all of them.

I started the quilting with 2 that I could use the same color thread on.  I used a red/black variegated 12 weight thread on top.  

I used 3 different thread colors quilting this one.  It is 8" square.  I'll look for binding for these 3 today.

We had rain late in the afternoon yesterday.  I haven't put my rain gauge out yet because we are still dipping below freezing some nights.

I need to work on some layouts soon.  I have 2 piles of quilt blocks waiting, the floral star blocks from December and the Tilda 16 patch blocks.  


cityquilter grace said...

good to finish sm!all things....check my blog for some wanda inspiration!

Julierose said...

You've finished a lot of smaller items beautifully..;)))
Raining here this morning and 38 degrees--gray and gloomy out there. Vacuuming day and general household chores to get done...
good day for it...hugs, Julierose

Cherie Moore said...

Small finishes are piling up for you:). It’s been in the 20’s the past two mornings but gotabove freezing so all our precipitation has been cold rain.

patty a. said...

Cold and raining here in NE OH. Those warm days spoiled me already! Getting all those little pieces done will be a real accomplishment!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Good to have a stack of finished small pieces - very satisfying, too.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have a lot of things that could be turned into small quilts - I'm thinking of making a few new hot pads out of some of them, I know I have the hot pad product on the shelves here somewhere

Nann said...

Oh, what a wonderful collection of small things! I especially like that the first one is not symmetrical.

JJM said...

Your ‘mini’ quilts are so signature Wanda… exuberant fabric and fun.

Barbara Anne said...

Your finished small projects will add colorful touches of delight wherever they are used!
Alas, I have caught the flu that passed from DIL to DS1 to DH and now to me in the course of two weeks. We have taken care that DS2 wasn't exposed to any of us.
