Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pressing and quilting...........

Yesterday morning I pressed all of the Tilda 16 patch blocks.  I still haven't cut the ladies fabric blocks that will get mixed in. 

The rest of the day I spent straightening up the studio.

The next project in line was the quilting on the Crooked Cobblestone wall hanging that I hand basted a couple weeks ago.

This is my setup for quilting on my Pfaff.

I can pull the drawer unit out so the quilt has a place to rest when I start each row.  So far I have ditch quilted 7 lines from top to bottom.  It is slow stitching so this is going to take me part of 2 or 3 days.

I'll probably trim the Kaffe blue pinwheel quilt and cut the binding today too.


Linda said...

That is a very nice setup with that nice big drawer unit!

Nann said...

I miss the built-in walking foot on the first the backing fabric for the cobblestones looked like grass and I thought the photo was taken outside!

Julierose said...

You have such a lovely quilting set up for your Pfaff--I ALSO miss my Pfaff Variamatic machine--wish I hadn't traded it in. I loved that built in walking foot...;(((
40 here and overcast--looks and feels like it may rain a bit...

I am pinning my purple ojos table topper after getting my 3 placemats quilted this week. Helga is set up for quilting so I may check and see what else is ready to be quilted; setting her up is a bit difficult-- so when I have done that I like to quilt all the ones I can...
Hugs, Julierose

Cherie Moore said...

What a great setup with all the space for supporting the quilt. I always find I need a bit more space on my right for “things”. Like tweezers, chapstick, water bottle, Kleenex, lol!

Juliann said...

That quilting set up is great. Can you share the brand? I will add my regret for trading in my Pfaff

Barbara Anne said...

Your stack of pressed 16 patch blocks looks impressive!
Love your machine quilting set-up and the space around it! You certainly make good use of it.
Happy Ides of March!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is a nice sewing set up with the extra space for the support of the quilt when working on it