Monday, March 17, 2025

Yes, it did snow................

This was the scene around 9:30 yesterday morning.  I think we had around an inch of snow when it was all done.  The good part is how fast it will melt today when it gets close to 50 this afternoon.  We may get a little snow Thursday morning too, the first day of spring.

The good news yesterday was the Amaryllis saved from several years ago is blooming.  I was happy to see it was a double white one.

A few days ago I thought it only had 2 buds but when it finally all opened up there are 4 buds.  The other 3 bulbs I saved over the summer just have leaves so far.

I trimmed the Kaffe blue pinwheel quilt and decided on a binding fabric.

This photo shows just a little edge of the binding choice.  I'll get it cut today.

I got the binding on the last 2 "littles" last night.  The two zig zag ones are 6.25" square, the blue one 6.5" square and the large one is a tiny bit under 8" square.  They will join the pile of small pieces for gifting that I'm finishing this year.

The backs and bindings are all hand dyed fabrics too.  It's hard to believe these were just waiting for their binding for over 10 years.


Julierose said...

Well done on your quilts!! that binding on the Blue KF is a perfect choice to set it off nicely;)))
WOW snowfall? We are in the midst of heavy rain 1.45" right now and really coming down hard...52 degrees here.
Hugs, Julierose

Linda said...

That binding fabric is perfect for the blue pinwheel quilt - love it!

Mary said...

While we were in South Texas last week, we had two days with 100+ degree highs. Quite a difference from your part of the world. The Amaryllis bloom is gorgeous.

patty a. said...

No snow here, but it was very windy all day Saturday and Sunday morning. We had some fierce thunderstorms Sunday morning. Later on the sun was shining and it was pouring down rain - so weird when that happens. The amaryllis is so pretty.

Nann said...

As I look out the window (7:43 a.m.) there's still a fair amount of snow out there. Isn't it satisfying to get those little pieces finally finished? Have a great day!

Donna said...

Love the blocks!! Pretty colors!
And the flower is Gorgeous! So glad you kept it!

Cherie Moore said...

Binding small projects take longer to cut and machine sew than to hand sew down, lol. They will make fun gifts and I’ll bet you are happy to have them finished :-)

JJM said...

Fun post today Wanda ~ lots to look at from your snow, amaryllis, quilt binding and the ‘little ones’ . I've never seen a white amaryllis before it truly is a beautiful blossom and to have more on the way is a bonus.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Little projects are so satisfying but it is amazing how many corners there are (somehow more noticeable than on a larger quilt). Happy to see the blue pinwheels but not happy to see snow (we had heavy rain and wind).

Barbara Anne said...

Love the blue Pinwheels and that binding fabric is perfect!
What a glorious Amaryllis double bloom - Wow!
I had to chuckle at Julie's observation that small projects still have 4 corners to turn. So true!
We've had lots of rain in the last 24 hours with wind before the rain.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I never mind getting a light snow like that knowing it will melt fast. Love that double white bloom. All that fabric and the blocks are so nice. I really like the blue print you show for binding.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

you got a lot done. I like that your snow is going to melt away quick - leaves you the moisture and not the trouble

pbj fiber marietta said...

Good for you! Those amaryllis are persnickety to get to bloom again. I had one in wax this year that went through 3 cycles of blooms with 4 on each stalk successively! And the leaves are still green. Got them at Costco this year.

Connie said...

I planted some beets today . . . oh I hope we don't get another snow. I love your blocks, you are such an inspiration :)

Vicki W said...

The white Amaryllis opened just in time for snow!