Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!............

Three vintage Easter postcards from my collection given to me by my grandma.  I'm not sure where she got them.  They are all addressed to Gerald Dudley, one postmarked 1908 and one 1911.  The other must have been hand delivered to him.
My indoor garden has blooms for Easter too.  The white one has more buds but the other 2 plants just have the one blossom.

I finished the hand sewing on the binding of my table runner last night, too late to have the light from the window to show the texture.  It is 15.5" x 24".

This is the best I could do with lamp light showing the texture.

And for my own record in my diary, 2 face masks made Friday

6 face masks made Saturday.

I mowed the grass in the front yard yesterday.  The sides and back are still pretty short so I didn't do them.  I heard mowers in several other yards too.  We got it done before the rain came.


sewyouquilt2 said...

Happy Easter

Julierose said...

~ ~ ~ waving from still at home Julierose

Lesley Gilbert said...

I love those old style water colour paintings of kids from years gone by - so sweet and innocent. When I saw your lovely cactus it reminded me of mine; I took a look and it was in flower as well! I'd been too busy cutting and sewing the past 3 days to take notice haha. Another bloom is getting ready to open so I won't miss that one. Good to read you've had time in your garden, so I expect you'll find more hidden plants coming into bloom. Happy Easter, happy sewing :)

Shelina said...

Happy Easter! Congratulations on another finish. Nice to have blooming cactus. You are doing well with the masks. I mowed the back lawn last weekend and left the front. Both sides need it now, but it is colder now so it will wait.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Happy Easter to you, Wanda! The postcards are fun and pretty. It was sunny here yesterday, but cold. Today is pretty grey. Tomorrow, we are supposed to have 70mph winds. Yikes, all I need is to lose power with all the other shut down stuff. I do have a treadle, though.

BatikFanatic said...

Happy Easter! I love those old postcards... they are charming! The table runner looks wonderful, and your matchstick quilting is perfect. Here in New England, it's a sunny day with temps forecast for mid-60s, but tomorrow we'll be getting the rain and cool weather you're sending us. I'm glad it's spring... makes all this more bearable to see flowering trees and not be all swaddled in heavy coats. Hope you have a lovely day!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Happy Easter, I love the colors of the facemask. Nice to have flowers on the Christmas Cactus I haven't had any blossoms since Christmas. Love the table runner and the post cards.

Marnie Haines said...

Good morning, Wilma,
Happy Easter greetings from here in western Pennsylvania. The lovely cards, flowers, cakes from yesterday and the runner all say that another Easter is here and we will celebrate once again. Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy one of the scrumptious cakes. Marnie

Karen Marlene Fulbright said...

Thanks for sharing the Easter Cards... I LOVE vintage cards :) Happy Easter to you and yours :)

JJM said...

The detail the artists put into their drawings of long ago always fascinates me. Your post cards are treasures Wanda.
Your table runner turned out with wonderful STITCHED texture.
Lovely Easter cactus blossoms to brighten your day.


Fabric Fanatic said...

Easter Greetings, Wanda!

Vicki W said...

Happy Easter! Our yard got mowed Friday and it desperately needed it.