It started out as a bunch of wonky blocks made from strips of irregular widths, then different width borders of the small print added. I eventually cut all of the blocks to the same size before adding the tiny (1/4") border around them, trying to keep the centers parallel to the borders. It worked in all but one square where the center tips a little. I can't tell which one it is by just looking since it isn't off by much. I don't think the beach ball fabric suffered too much upheaval being cut up for the strips. In fact it is hardly noticeable. That surprised me.

I have mentioned before (and to several of you in emails) that I have a short attention span. I call it the attention span of a kindergartner. When I get to the point of wanting to move on, I either lay the project aside to be picked up much later or just go ahead and finish with the best ideas I have. I thought the ideas were good enough here to have a successful piece so I finished it.
Thank you everyone for your encouraging comments. I think that is why I did finish it. The little voice in my head would have had me throwing it aside and starting something new.
Love it! The red borders definitely make the blocks pop! Good going!
I really the addition of the coral borders around your blocks. Just the right touch.
Looking good!
I love this quilt! It is so bright and cheery in a cold cold winter! Nice work.
really great how you highlighted the blocks. fabulous top!
I do like how it turned out. I love how you accented the blocks first with the red. It really sets them apart and makes the beach ball fabric really work. Love it!
This is terrific! And you're right, the beachball fabric hardly changes with all the cutting.
Is the top right block the one not quite straight? You really have an eye for color.
Very cheerful for a cold winter day!
I want to name it "Candy store explosion"; I see candy, not beach balls.
Will the binding be the same coral/red as the tiny strips?
Vicky F
Spectacular finish ~ good for you for pushing through the uncertainty!! Wouldn't it be fun to photo this draped over some of your snowbanks! What a joyful juxtaposition...
I really love this.
I would have never used that beach ball fabric but it is so perfect for this
and you know what its fun and don't we all need a little fun in our lives???
Just love this quilt. I am so glad you made it.
I love it!! It is so cheerful -- a real happy quilt! Maybe this is another one to ward off winter and bring on spring?
Yes! The thin red frames are convincing.
I may have to borrow that 1/4 inch border idea, it really worked on that piece! I'm really bad about starting things and moving on before they're done, just ask my hubby. (Ok don't, it drives him crazy, or at least it used to but doesn't so much any more.) But I love how you've given yourself permission to do that and stay where the fun is. That is a good lesson to learn from you I think. :)
Hi Wanda,
I have a file on my computer called "Inspiration" with several sub-files, one of which is Exuberant Color. This one goes in there! Your quilt would make my snowbanks melt!!
This piece is intriguing. What about red binding??
I just scrolled down to see the companion piece -- they're so different! I prefer the first, but to my great surprise I do like this one, and it was really fun to watch the step-by-step choices you made. I too had wondered what would happen when you cut up the beach balls, but it worked pretty well.
Oh, Wanda, it's gorgeous! You know, I really like the tiny bit of charcoal showing around the edges...could be an unexpected and very beautiful binding?
GOOD decision to put the small red border around each block as the blocks were seeming to get lost before you did that. It looks really nice now!
Wanda, Outstanding.So glad you used the
beachball print!!jmh
Awesome and inspiring! I'm ready to take on those WiLD and CRaZy patterns now! Here i come!
Awesome design. Love how all the colours work together.
That little red block frame made all the difference! The background fabric worked out really well too!
I really like it with that little bit of red. It gives the blocks that definition that I like. The small things do count!
What a wonderful journey you took us all on. It's like taking a walk with a trail guide. Did you see this? What about that? I am enjoying your blog very much!
Splendid results after much contemplation. Sometimes making the design decisions is the hardest part of the task, and you get an A plus here!
the coral was the perfect touch.
What a great finish!
That sounds like my attention span! Lol! Your top is beautiful, and it is surprising how little you see the seams in the beach ball fabric. Wonderful wonderful quilttop!
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