Friday, July 3, 2020

Mowing grass................

I mowed 2/3 of the front yard Tuesday night and yesterday morning did the other third plus the south side of my yard.  Late yesterday afternoon I mowed the back yard.  It was in the mid 80s and the humidity had dropped a little but is still fairly high.  I'm glad it is done because low 90s are predicted for the next 7 days, maybe hotter by mid-next week.  Possibly close to 100 they are saying.......a repeat of 2012.

I love my big Hostas in the back garden.  The one with white edges was a little plant purchased about 4 years ago and it has gotten so big.

I chose 9 more sets of fabric for churn dash blocks but didn't get any sewing done.  Today is the day I will split the starter for the Amish Friendship bread and bake my next 2 loaves.  Two of my granddaughters are going to take a share of the starter.

I met my 9 month old great-granddaugter Tuesday.  She is so cute!!  She likes Kringlas so she is a true Norwegian (my husband's heritage).

I will be mentioning my pop-up shop every day until it opens so newcomers and occasional readers will know about it.
The pop up shop will be July 7 - 12.  It will open for email subscribers at noon ET on July 7 and at noon ET on July 8 for the public.  It will close at midnight ET on July 12.  There is a form on my right sidebar to subscribe to the email list or use this link.  If you signed up previously you don't need to sign up again.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad you got to meet your great-granddaughter that must have been nice!

Julierose said...

oof--that is a lot of work mowing in the heat and humidity!!
Lovely hostas--the deer ate my collection and they finally gave up the ghost...Have a great weekend...~ ~ ~ waving from our AC ~ ~ ~

Linda Swanekamp said...

Can't imagine all that lawn mowing. All my hostas are doing ok except the ones with white centers. Looks like something nasty was spilled on the leaves and are shriveled from the centers. Can't wait to see the next set of churndashes.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Happy that you had some family time with your new little one. And good for you for getting that grass cutting out of the way. It is HOT HOT HOT and HUMID (!!!) here - the A/C feels fabulous indoors.

Shelina said...

That is great that you were able to mow the yard. It has been really hot here too and I decided last week that my neighbors will have to forgive me that I didn't mow the front yard. It's almost another weekend now, and I probably shouldn't rely on their charity for another week.