Thursday was basting day............but since Thursday followed a 2 day migraine I didn't push myself very hard. I just tackled 2 small quilts and the top one is all basted and the bottom one is half done.
I made a sign for myself so I wouldn't forget the project of the day. As I complete each one that name will come off and a new one will take its place on that day. I saved the master copy in my computer so I can just bring it back up, erase one name and insert a different one and print a new sign. I print on the back of a used piece of paper so I am recycling too.
Are you a skimmer? Do you just glance at the pictures and leave? A few of my good friends admitted to me that they just look at the pictures I post and don't always read what I write. I have seen some blogs that have Wordless Wednesday on which they just post a picture. I'm wondering if I should become Wordless Wanda and not explain what the pictures are all about. Just wondering............
Today is the other strips 'n curves class. Pictures tomorrow......
I am so impressed with your ability to be so disciplined!!
Please don't become Wordless Wanda -- your explanations on your blog are so informative!!
Although I just adore the pictures, I always read what is written. I find that by just looking at the pictures, you don't learn anything, or very little. I am one who loves to learn. So therefore, I always read. Love your new system.
I'm with Catherine & Jackie, I always read your posts. They are very informative and I learn things from them that I wouldn't if there was only a picture. I may not always write a comment but I usually check you post out every day unless the day is extremely busy then I catch up the following day. So my vote is please continue to write your comments they are worth it.
I'm with everyone else - don't stop posting explanations! Your pictures are so wonderful, we need to know the stories behind them. I love checking your blog every day - keep up the great work!
Please don't go wordless...I appreciate reading about your process, and though I love your pics, I get so much from what you write.
Wanda, you know the teacher in you won't allow you to become wordless!! You don't want to become just a picture album.
Please don't become wordless Wanda! Many of us value what you have to say!
I love your sign idea for helping to stay organized and keeping on track. I wrote all my UFO's down in a notebook, but I think a big sign is a better way to go.
Hope you are feeling better, and get lots done with the strips 'n curves today!
Pictures AND Words, please.
I enjoy reading and writing blogs so I always read them and look at the photo's. Karen
There is an old saying " a picture is worth a thousand words ". Not so true, how can anyone imagine what you are trying to tell us... please, no Wordless Wednesdays ! Besides ,I can't imagine you being wordless .
I enjoy your explanations almost as much as your pictures. I love the basting day pictures. Those are some really pretty quilts. And the bottom quilt is a perfect example of why your explanations are important -- I remember the posts where you were auditioning fabrics for the background. That was such an interesting process. Love the background you chose for this one!
I agree with everyone above. I read everything you write. I'm so in awe of your work and your discipline and I could sit and look at the pics all day but...I love to hear the details!!!!
Sometimes I just skim, but sometimes I read the whole thing too. Just a picture and no explanation would be frustrating... I like a little context. I think the most important thing is to write as much/as little as you like and let the readers read as much/as little as they'd like.
Some of us like words. Your pictures are nice, but you words shape you as a person who does things that aren't captured in pictures. They also help me in discerning process for decision making in your quilts. They introduce me people with whom you have contact. Keep the words!
Goodness me, too many people are becoming too lazy. If you don't use it, you lose it. Articulation is one of your strong points and we benefit from it. Perhaps we are take some of our fellow bloggers for granted. So let me exercise my articulation by saying, thankyou Wanda for sharing your talents. I turn on my computer everymorning and have my first cup of tea while I read your daily epistle.
Please don't become wordless. I love both your pictures and your words. Your quilts are beautiful. Your sense of color is awesome. You are my inspiration. Thanks for taking the time to share with us.
No! No! No! No! Never! I feed on your words like licking the bottom of the bowl of Butterfinger Ice Cream! I have learned so much from your blog and have so many new ideas now to work on.
I am fascinated by the pictures of your basting. Earlier this week I was wondering how you sandwich quilts for your "wavy line" quilting. Would you mind giving a few details on how closely you baste? I have never seen basting such as yours--it seems to be related to tacking in the garment industry? I am about ready to be brave enough to tackle free-motion again (after a 20-year hiatus following failure) and was wondering how to go about basting a quilt so it doesn't shift. And, how do you go about the procedure of actually quilting those long, vertical lines without "warping" the quilt? I would so appreciate your sharing your knowledge on these subjects.
Sue Pittman
Wagoner, OK
I read!! I do want to say I love this method of working on projects; I heard something similar years ago and think I need to adopt it again.
Wordless? But then we wouldn't know about the migraine, the vanilla quilt, whose quilts are the ones you have displayed in the photos, what the list represented, and on, and on. Not a good idea. Really getting organized there with the list. At least this way you don't have to guess and can plan for tomorrow.
Your beautiful quilt pictures draw me in but I always read your blog. You are such an inspiration and I am always amazed but how much you accomplish in a week. If it isn't broken, don't fix it :-)
I am a skimmer of some blogs. However, I do not skim your blog. I find the pictures you show and explanations you give both inspiring and helpful. Please don't stop.
I read and enjoy the pictures too. I think you have so many followers because of your style and flair for quilting. Don't change anything.
I read every word...please don't stop writing....I am learning alot from your blog...thanks
I am drawn to blogs with beautiful pictures and that is one reason why your blog is on my 'go to' list. Another reason is your clear and succinct text. You have a wonderful gift of communication and I am so grateful that you share it through the world-wide web. You've even got me thinking more about my yard than I ever have before through the love you share for your own garden. Thank you for your beautiful words and your beautiful pictures. I enjoy both so much!
There are times to skim and times to read. I do enjoy reading your descriptions, so don't stop that entirely.
As for skimming. Sometimes I need a pick me up - and that is solved with eye candy: your photos. :-)
No, no, no, don't leave out the words. We like the words :-) I love the way you photograph your pictures. Your quilts blaze with color and your photos capture so much of their beauty.
Oh no...I read every single word!! And am always inspired!
Oh, Please No......I read everyword. I am just learning to make a quilt. I just put the binding on my 1st one. I love batiks, but I didn't have any scraps, so I just this past weekend, bought some. Now I want to try to make some quilts like yours. I love the wonky ones. I want to try cobblestones, easy pieces and strips and curves. But first I want to try one like in todays post. The top one. I wish I lived there so I could take your classes.
Love your blog so much!!!
I'm a reader too - and I love your idea of keeping on task.
Please stay with words! I love what you have to say as well as your wonderful photos!
I read your text as much as I enjoy the pictures! The photos are wonderful, but the words tell us how you got there, why, and what's going on. The words go with the pictures. I'm just jealous of the gals in your classes, I'm not close enough or I'd be signing up. Any tutorials coming our way?
And I love that you've organized several ongoing projects into a day of the week. Great idea on how to accomplish several things at once.
Please don't stop writing. I read your blog while I drink my morning coffee. What would I read instead? The news? Your blog is much more pleasant.
Sally in St. Paul
Ditto the above - I ALWAYS read the words. Besides being informative, it's much more interesting to hear the thoughts behind the work and to hear about your life also. Mind you, I love looking at your works in progress (and completed) but that's only half the fun. :-)
I concur with everyone else, love to look at the pictures and read the words, so enjoyable and learning wise - worthwhile ...I visit you everyday. linda m in bc
No! I love reading your posts! You always have something interesting to say!
I think we all might be guilty, sometimes, of just skimming the photos when we are in a bit of a hurry, but when I come to a "Wordless Wednesday" post, I somehow feel a huge letdown!
Wanda without words would be like peanut butter without jelly or macaroni without cheese or bees without honey or peas without a pod or stars without stripes.............well, I guess you get the idea. I love Wanda's words. There is a place for skimmers; but this isn't it! Thank you for sharing with us.
Godspeed to you.....and your wonderful words.
~Fellow quilt addict and no longer a wordless wonder. :)
I glance at the pictures, read everything, then go back and look more carefully at the pictures.
Please don't change anything. I love your blog. It's inspirational!
I definitely read. I love your explanations, they are helpful to understanding your process and your art.
And I see that you baste with thread! I debate that sometimes, but I'm not sure if it saves time or not. Your thoughts?
Don't you DARE! ;)
I read every word, sometimes multiple times. I love your photos too. I can't imagine one without the other....
I actually read all you have to say. Sometimes it's very interesting to me, other times not. But I still read it. I enjoy your blog and your use of colour. I can't wait to see the finished vanilla pudding quilt. Not your usual colours. I find that when I look at fabric I purchased when I first started quilting, it's nothing like what I purchase now. And the quilts I made were pretty boring. I like your colours and style. Keep on blogging words and photos.
I love your comments. They are so inspirational.k
Hi Wanda
I have been a silent but avid follower of your blog for more than a year now. I can't wait to check it out every morning with my coffee. Your pictures are awesome and I learn so much from your dialogue. Please don't go wordless!
Cherie in Del Mar
How would many of us start our days without your words and pictures? Please don't change a thing about your blog!
Hi Wanda--
I think I am one of your friends who confessed to not always reading the words. This just meant that I checked your blog from work and was really hassled and couldn't take time to stay. I want to join the unanimous crowd and say please don't go wordless! I love the words. I love the pictures. I just got hassled. Now that I'm retired (!!!), I'm sure that I will read every word! (Do I dare admit that I skimmed some of the 44 comments above?)
Mary G.
I can only echo all the comments. I read every word, sometimes go back and re-read older entries. And I read your blog every day, it's one of my "don't miss" blogs. Your words help tell the story of your quilts, your garden, your life that you share with us.
I read your words, as you can tell since I posted on your Wordless Wanda proposal. Keep writing.
I'm a reader, especially in the case of your blog. So often, you explain or illustrate or pose a question in your posts. You do so much more than just post pretty pictures, Wanda.
NO, NO, No do not become 'Wordless Wanda" Your daily commentary is what I enjoy as much as your photo's.
Don't you just love it when all of our comments come out of the wordwork when you post a question?
Love watching you keep to your schedule. And I suspect you will weave another project or two into that schedule you printed out.
p.s. love reading all those comments above too
I like both the pictures and the words Wanda. You are a wonderful quilter who has lots of knowledge and experiences to share -My opinion and hope is that you keep on doing both. I do love your new colors in your vanilla quilt- I am looking forward to reading and seeing it develop.
Happy quilting,
I like both words and pics. Please do't change the way you post!
Must put in my two cents...please keep your blog as lovely as always!!! I still say there is a wonderful book waiting for you to write it!!! GAIL
Hi Wanda, I need both pictures AND words. We
learn something everyday!!jmh
Wow! As I am writing this you already have 54 comments on this post! And they all say "Please don't become Wordless Wanda!" I'm with them! I love seeing your quilts or whatever you are working on. And I will admit that I return to your blog day after day because I love to see what you are doing. But I also read everything you write. I love your blog just the way it is! Please don't change!
On Mondays or after a holiday I skim, but on Friday, I savor every word! (It actually is really dependent on the number of posts that I have to read. I find that I a writing less...
I can also admit that there are some blogs that I read no matter what I some that I photo browse no matter what. :o) (But that also is not a hard & fast rule, just a rule of thumb.)
Oh & there are some wordless Wednesday posts where I "want" words.
No, Please!! I always read what you write. I like hearing your thought process and the pictures don't completely show that!
I also love the idea of the day of the week - I used to work on one project/week... but maybe a day at a time would be good. I found that I'd sort of knocked the fun out of quilting for myself!
No, no, no, no, no ~ please do not stop writing about whatever you want to ... of course, we all have days when skimming is the best we can manage ~ but I LOVE reading what other people write!
Write, write, WRITE. I read it -most times I read every word unless I am in a huge hurry.
Don't become wordless on us! One day a week maybe, but I think I would miss that too.
Don't become a Wordless Wanda!
I read your words and feel I learn a lot from your explanations.
I am always a bit disappointed when a blog has just a photo and not a clue why they posted it. Even a sentence would help me. I like the "why" behind everything (and of course, that drives my managers crazy as they are often light on the "why" and heavy on the "just do it this way for now".
I'm liking the addition of the pale colors to the vanilla 9-patch, by the way. I think it will wake it up from a deep snooze.
Vicky F
Before me, 62 people had commented. I guess that at least 63 people read the words. LOL
63 commenters ! Is that a record or what ? You sure got our message's loud and clear.
I read (almost) all of the time..keep writing..please?
As my teacher used to say...Use your words. I read your words and learn a lot from them so I hope you continue.
I love your blog just as it is.
I don't look at any of the pictures, I only read the text, so I'd be really lost. Okay, I'm kidding.
Oh, and seriously, I love the beach ball quilt!
Keep the words! I always read the words (any words actually - backs of cereal packets, roadside notices, anything!) and yours complement the pictures perfectly.
Keep the words. I read what is written and some days I just skim photos. When I catch myself just skimming, I realize it's time to do something else. I DO appreciate each person's written words, and am ashamed when I don't take the time to read each time. NOT always reading is MY loss. 8-)))
There is too much dumbing down, too many lazy people. Your blog is wonderful, perhaps your "friends" don't need to read the words because they are lucky enough to have spent time with you and know what you are doing.
The rest of us love what you do - please don't change.
I feel the same,keep it up. I do read it everyday. Wig.
I love your pictures, and the quilts are just amazing. But I also enjoy reading what you write about the process of making the quilts, and seeing them as they evolve from an idea to completion.
No, I don't think I'm a "skimmer". My dad taught us to never pass up the opportunity to learn something.
A great idea for motivating oneself to work on a different project each day .... this would certainly keep bordem away. If you don't mind, I think I will borrow your idea.
Who knew so many people actually read everything? I'm a skimmer and frankly I like blogs that have photos and aren't too wordy but the wordless Wednesday doesn't do anything for me either.
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