The basement and guest room are clean but the main floor studio is having guests tomorrow, the girls I used to work with. I have been sorting through the piles, stacking like items, bagging small pieces. There is still a lot of work to do but I am teaching the first class of Strips 'n Curves today.

Every once in a while I do the same thing, sort into piles, it makes for good organization. I absolutely love your design wall (last post) such beauty!! And your gardens are beautiful too. Full bloom!
Oh, you look So organized! Have you a block for every letter of the alphabet like the "Turtle" block? That looks adorable!
Heehee! You sound like me . . . I go on a cleaning frenzy, then I can't find or remember what I bagged up and where I put it!!! It sure feels good at first, tho, to have everything "organized". Have a good time with your guests.
I go on those "frenzies" too, but around the house -- not in my studio! My husband calls them "grand sweeps" -- and then nobody can find anything for days! Thanks for the hint about my email address. I've changed it so it'll be easier for anyone to get in touch. Thanks again!
If you find everything afterwards, you are better than I. The clear plastic bags are helpful. I gave up on using anything else.
I plan to show my class the pinwheel block this evening. They are very good at point-matching and should be ready for it.
Think of how great you'll feel when everything is where you want it to be! One day soon, I have to re-organize.
Have fun with your class (which I wish I was taking), and your company!
It's 3 years later and I still can't find my applique pressing cloth in a 10x10 room.
Art quilters on Monday, teaching a class on Tuesday... Your summer days are filled with giving to others. Plus sharing each day with us makes me feel like "I'm in the loop."
Every time I tidy up, I lose things! It seems while all is a mess, I know exactly where everything is to be found.
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