A good time was had by all.............It was really good to see my friends yesterday. We all used to work at the same quilt shop and we have tried to stay in touch over the years. We always get pizza and then everyone brings something else. We had a great lunch!I was showing them the Christmas Strips and Curves that I have started to cut. I need to save the rest of the strata to demonstrate at tomorrow's class with the other 4 students.
I have been looking through my huge stash for soft dusty colors that will go with the beige blocks and I have found three dusty roses (2 with beige in the print), three lavenders and three greens. I think they will keep the quilt soft looking but add a little interest.
I will keep looking for more fabrics in my stash while I am piecing the rest of the beige blocks that are already cut. I may add a few new beiges into the 9 patches with the new colors. I'm looking forward to working on it now.
Getting together with sewing buddies is so much fun, especially when pizza and other food is involved. Your Christmas strata is just gorgeous! I would have never considered doing this quilt in Christmas fabrics, but it really works well.
I like a lot your really bright color choices, although I think I tend to choose more soubtle ones when I do my own stuff. Maybe it is because of less experience with colors and such, but hey, maybe this is why I enjoy looking at your stuff.
This old/new quilt will be I think really lovely :)
Your Christmas strata is striking. Having never worked with curves yet, are there issues with stretching like there are with triangles and the bias seams?
I also like the addition of the dusty pinks and mauves to the "vanilla" quilt. When I first saw it on your blog it looked somewhat out of place amongst all the colourful quilts. At first I was wondering if you had "photoshopped" one of the regular quilts.
I love the colors you picked to go with the vanilla blocks. They will add some interest but not overwhelm the vanilla blocks.
Lovely curves. I really must do something along these lines.
So glad I found your blog.I'm a follower now.
So THAT'S what happened to the Christmas prints strata! I was wondering if we'd see more of it. It looks wonderful.
And although I liked those creams by themselves, I also like it with these other subdued fabrics.
I am in a RBR with our group and this month is curves. After seeing your great work with these Xmas and bright fabrics it would be great to do your block
I like your choice of muted colors to add to the beige strips. Have fun with your class.
That is going to be a fabulous Christmas quilt!
The additions to the vanilla quilt are fabulous -- so soft and peaceful. I think that will be a stunning quilt -- very elegant and understated.
I'm glad you found a way to make the vanilla quilt work for you.
Now that will be a Christmas quilt like no other. We all will be looking forward to it's completion.
Those soft 'dusty' prints compliment your 'vanilla' pieces so nicely. And yet I will be waiting to see what else you pull from your stash.
Jingle bells, that is fantastic! I love christmas quilts and this one is going to be amazing.
I love the way you found fabrics to go with your "vanilla" blocks. I wouldn't have been likely to find colors that look like they "belong" with the originals. Very nice.
I do like most of those 'dusty' choices as additions to your vanilla/beige blocks. (Well, maybe not the lightest purple one, but I'll reserve judgment for now.)
Will you show more about how you'll integrate them with the blocks that are already finished?
Love the soft colored additions that you are adding to the vanilla quilt, Wanda.
It sure is fun to get together with quilty friends- I am doing a city retreat next weekend- no sleep overs but good friends, good food and lots of fun to be had by all.
I do love the circle strata quilts that you have going with the Louisa Smith pattern. I really do want to make that pattern some day soon. Have to borrow it from the library.
Have a good few days. We are off to visit my folks for a few days.
Love those soft colours with your bieges. Inspired choices, as ususual.
You are absolutlely brilliant.... adding those dusty colors to your vanilla quilt.
I love it!
I love everything you do.
It is good to keep in touch with friends, I have a group that meets also to catch up. I like your lavenders and pinks with the beige blocks. Will be interesting to see how this one goes.
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