I had a restful day yesterday so not much progress on the bindings. I took a picture of this red veined plant, red penstemon, that is a volunteer plant. Most of the volunteers come up right next to my stepping stones or by the edge of the sidewalk. When I spread seeds like columbine I don't have much luck with them Now I think I will spread seeds in the fall and then place small rocks over the area and see if I get more plants. I like all of the different colors and shapes of the leaves together.

North light is so fabulous for taking photos - including pets, children, grandparents, stitchery projects - everything! Yes, the quilting does show up really well.
You actually relaxed for a day? Good for you!
That light really does show your quilting beautifully!
You did a beautiful job quilting that pinwheel quilt! It looks great! I love how the pinwheels seem to jump right off the quilt because of how you quilted the background. Gorgeous!
Have fun at your sewing circle!
I love God's sense of color. What fun to have nature so close at hand. Happy quilting.
Fabulous quilt photo!
PS Loved your hostas in one of the previous posts.
The quilts are beautiful-in any light. Keep an eye on your hostas. Chipmunks love to eat them - from the roots. I think spraying some awful tasting junk on them and soaking the ground helps if it gets to be a problem (some years they must find something better to eat).
OH! i like this quilt. Its even better now.Wig.
The array of leafy plants together is like looking at one of your quilts.
So glad you showed us the photo of how the sunlight can make a quilt look so delicious!
I miss our lil chipmunks we use to have before our new neighbors moved in and brought cats with them. Although I did not know chipmunks killed the hosta plants as daveandlo mentioned.
Hi Wanda,
The quilting is just lovely.
And it pays to be a little lax in weeding until you see what volunteers are popping up!
We have a few extra chipmunks, J-MT, in case you need some. They like to burrow into my rock garden and make plants disappear (like the mysterious missing hosta).
Vicky F
Fantastic quilts/quilting!!!
Chipmunks and bunnies, sunlit quilts and flowers... do you live in an enchanted forest???
Love all the pictures!
I love the way the light is affecting that quilt, the quilting does show up so well. I am not that knowledgeable about photography, so am frustrated sometimes when the pix don't turn out how I want. I did make a design wall the other day, so am hoping that helps.
Yes, the quilt looks fantastic! And the picture of the chipmunk is adorable!
Why not grow hosta to feed the chipmunks? We grow veggies in order to eat them too -- equal rights!
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