This is the one I am quilting that I am not too happy about. It is my own fault so I can't complain too loud. I decided to ditch quilt in the seams first and then follow the seams in the blocks as a kind of grid quilting. I didn't mark the lines in the squares between, just eyeballed them, and you guessed it, they are pretty crooked in several places. I still have 6 more lines to quilt.
This is one of those cases of whether you add more to camouflage it or just leave it. I thought about putting in wavy lines between all of the straight lines so you wouldn't zero in on the crookedness but just see an all over pattern.
I was emailing a friend yesterday and we were talking about those of us who do lots of different kinds of quilting, some traditional, some arty, some just fun stuff. I know some of you probably make just one kind of quilts and I'm wondering what some of you call yourself when you introduce yourself to another quilter. I just decided I'm eclectic, as in eclectic decorating; a mix of many styles that all complement each other. How do you describe yourself?
I can't think of one work to describe my style. I make mostly art quilts, but I also occasionally like to make a good-old-fashioned traditional quilt (usually with updated fabric choices). So I guess I'm eclectic, too. But when asked, I usually say I'm an art quilter, though most non-quilters do not understand that.
I usually label myself as "non-traditional."
I have made art quilts and traditional and some not so traditional - but I always hand quilt all of quilts -- which is why I don't make near as many quilts as I might like to but it also keeps me from spending as much money on fabric as a lot of you spend. - so many I am a traditionalist?
Good morning and thanks for asking. You know, I've never really thought about it. I'm traditional one day (or two), then off the wall on another. Spontaneous...that must make me eclectic!! Thank goodness I now know what I am!
I hadn't thought about it before, but I think I'd have to describe myself as a "curious quilter" because I'm ALWAYS trying something new, and buying more books than I can ever hope to quilt from. I like to keep learning and trying new techniques and approaches. There are traditional, artistic, and innovative UFO's all around my sewing room! :-)
Never thought about what kind of quilter I might be. Maybe a happy quilter as I do what makes me happy. Love the colors in that quilt. I am going through an orange/bright/sunrise/sunset color phase at the moment. Haven't done anything with them but am drawn to those colors and have been buying them in all sorts of shades and patterns!
Hey Wanda, Unless you are putting that quilt in a judged show, don't worry about wonky lines. Besides, once it is washed it will be much less noticeable. I luv the color combo. Happy quilting!
p.s. How about Quilter Extroidinaire?
I just call myself a quilter. I love to do it all, art quilts, traditional, traditional with a twist, applique. For those of us who love fabric and quilts a good quilt will capture us whatever category it falls in! LOve the colors in your quilt!
The quilting on the baby quilt and the straightline quilting both look great. I think you are being overly critical. No one else looks as closely as we do.
As far as a label about what kind of quilter, I think just one who enjoys the process.
I usually just tell people that "I make things" and leave it at that! If they ask for more I tell them that I make very tedious and anal retentive projects that would drive most people nuts. That's pretty much the end of that line of questioning!
Hey Wanda, I checked my box. Thanks for the tip.
I have always thought of myself as a traditional quilter as I love the 30s fabrics. However, you and a couple others have inspired me to branch out. Now I'm just loving the bright colors and the different styles, i.e. wonky blocks. Thanks for sharing and making my life brighter.
I am an artist and I make quilts!
Simple description of what I do.
Within that description the quilts vary in style.
I bet the wavy lines aren't anywhere near as obvious as you think they are. Once we know where there's something like that, it stands out like it was lit up in neon to us while others might not even see it -- particularly after the little quilt is washed. I love the fabrics you used in that one!!
I've never thought about how I'd describe myself. As I do mostly all of it by hand, I guess a throwback quilter?
Hi Wanda, I KNOW what kind of quilter
I am. I am an AMATEUR,but I am learning,
and I love it! jmh
Hi wanda, i love to sew and i love fabric. So what do i call myself,CRAZY. I also love to see a finshed quilt top of some sort.Find me a name.Wig.
I used to say I was a wonky quilter but now I've upgraded to art quilter. I still do enjoy doing traditional quilts too though so maybe I'm eclectic too. Or is that electric??? Lol.
I think I'd have to introduce myself as a really *bad* quilter... or lazy... or something. The crooked lines wouldn't bother me much... it adds 'character' ;) I just like having something warm and colorful to curl up under.
I do mainly art quilts but also dabble in traditional. When asked I either say 'Textile Artist' or 'Quilter' depending on who asked and which will require the least explanation!
I think I would also be called eclectic. I do what I like and it isn't always necessarily anything like anything else I have made. I think that keeps things interesing for us - right?
From here the quilting looks great! I am sure that you will decide what looks best for this quilt. I love the colors.
As for how I describe myself, I really never thought about it. I guess I am eclectic as well. I like traditional, modern, artsy. I do like many different kinds of fabrics too. Although I tend to be drawn to 3 kinds brights, 30's, and batiks.
I think I'd call myself an "experimental" quilter: No matter what kind of quilt I'm making, it's an experiment. Not all are successful, but I think it's safe to say they're original and one of a kind. Even if I'm following someone else's idea, I have to tinker with it. Kind of how I cook, too. Just can't leave well-enough alone! It's an interesting question, and I'm enjoying reading how others identify themselves as quilters.
What crooked lines? I don't see any crooked lines! If in doubt, give it the "galloping horse" test...would you see the supposed flaw as you rode past the quilt on a galloping horse? If not, let it be - it's still a handmade, one-of-a-kind treasure.
My quilting style is traditional scrappy, but nobody has ever asked. Quilt-making is meant to relieve the stress of my life as a worker bee. The added bonus is having colorful finished quilts!
I fall into the 'curious' group too I guess as I like to try new things. I used to just work on a quilt til I was satisfied or it felt done, but now I teach quilt classes so have to make them fit beds most times....don't anyone hit me with their selvages....but I find that difficult sometimes. lol I like traditional as well as art quilts too...and love pretty much all kinds of fabrics.
I call myself an Experimental Painter, and I have chosen that term for quilting too. I am an Experimental Quilter and proud of it.
I call myself 'mum', not ready to claim the quilting status yet, just enjoy trying anything and everything and get inspired by far too many styles and never get to try much at all....need more time.
I suppose I prefer the undisciplined non traditional approach. Your log cabin work has inspired me and I think I might give that a go, just need some time to cut up the fabric...!
New quilter. I haven't decided how many years until I remove that. Traditional. I just trotted over from Persnickety because your comment cracked me up! Nice to meet you. Thanks for lettin' me in. :) *karendianne.
I'm a Dr Suess quilter.
Everyone knows that anything goes,
If it is happy for your eyes or your toes.
I quilt whatever it is I like at the moment. That sounds more like an ADD quilter doesn't it?
So maybe I should just say I'm a textile material illusionist. Sounds better then "I sew".
I'm not a teacher myself but have several in my family. And so I think I can say that a true teacher keeps learning. And that's what you are doing and the purpose of this quilt. My respect and admiration for you just keeps growing every day!
I usually describe myself as a little obsessive. And bright -- not as in smart, just in the colors I love. And maybe a little fearless? I tend to plunge into projects that are over my head and figure things out along the way.
The very talented quilter Pat Deacon got fed up with trying to find a way to describe herself to non-quilters, so now says she is an artist who works mainly in primary colours and with geometric shapes! Fits her work perfectly! As to me, traditional, often quirky but never arty.
Hi Wanda,
I had to think awhile about this one. I guess I never have categorized myself to anyone, but I could say that I'll try most any type of quilt once. I like to take classes and feel that even if I learn one or two new tidbits from class it was worth it.
My really good quilting buddies know I'd rather cough up hairballs than do anything with 30's and deadly dull muted fabric.
Vicky F
Well Wanda, I have always used the word 'contemporary' quilter, since I try to do all types of quilting... even though most of my 'traditional' pieces are done with a new twist. But I think I like your term better... From now on (or until I hear something I like better :-).... I am an eclectic quilter!
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