Spring really is here!!The redbuds were barely showing any pink 4 days ago and now they are starting to bloom. It will be a few days before they are all the way open.
The rose breasted grosbeaks are here again this year. This guy just wouldn't turn around for a photo. He was facing the window until I got the camera in my hand. They are about a week earlier than last year.
I spent part of the day yesterday cutting kits. The store owner is giving a class on this purse that I made a sample of last year. A couple of the students wanted kits exactly like it so I did my best and only had to substitute two fabrics. I was cutting another kit in brighter colors too.
The strips won't necessarily be in this order. This is just the order that I cut them.
I have to make a decision on the basket quilt. If I decide to sell the quilt or give it as a gift I know I will use the blue for the setting triangles. However if I decide I am going to keep it, then it will be the rosy fabric. I just have to decide if I want to make another even more beautiful one for myself instead of keeping this one.
we are quite a way ahead of you with the redbuds - ours have leaves on them the flowers off last week or so. I love all those colors of fabrics, that will make a great quilts.
Those strip colors for the purse make me think of those yummy bali-pops strip sets! Gorgeous fabrics!
Sounds like a tough decision on your basket quilt, to keep it or sell it or give it as a gift.
The only quilts I give as gifts are the ones I created for that purpose in mind from the beginning. The others, I know I will keep or price high enough that I won't mind parting with them.
Oh Spring is here alright! I go out one day and now my throat is raw and my sinuses are stuffed! I can't complain, I loved winter this year and everyone else was miserable. I think the Rose-breasted grosbeak flew by us this year.
Those batik strips are fabulous!!! I just want to stop and stare at the colours for a while.
Spring is here too. The crab apple tree is just starting to get some leaves. Today's it's very rainy and windy.
Spring has also sprung here! Buds that were not open yesterday are opened today. I am thrilled. Your bird must just be camera shy. Funny they do that when you want a picture. I just love the bright colors for the bag. I think I own some of those fabrics too!
You are a week or two ahead of us so I love seeing what is soon to come here! Did not get a chance to read and vote....I like the blue best but both work fine so either way you win!
Hi Wanda,
Yes, all of a sudden spring is at my house, too. Most of my neighbor's ornamental trees and bushes are in bloom.
I haven't seen Mr. or Mrs. Grosbeak yet, but hope to see them soon.
I can see why those students wanted a purse kit just like yours; it's very classic looking. You could have a new career, "Kits by Wanda".
Vicky F
Beautiful spring colors. Looking forward to seeing what you sew.
What a knockout that purse will be ! Colors supreme as always.
Glorious photo's of the grass green in the background, redbuds and grosbeak in the foreground.
p.s. do you have enough fabric to sell that same fabric kit in your blog shop?
I know what you should do with the quilt: put the blue on and send it to me. LOL
Love the fabrics for the kits. Very bright and pretty.
Decisions, decisions!! I am not good at them either.
Whoo Hoo! Redbuds in bloom. It's officially spring. We don't have many in Wisconsin and I miss them!
P.S. I think you should just sew those strips together and call it a quilt ;)
Absolutely gorgeous fabrics! I'd put the photo itself on my wall. :)
Went to the Chicago quilt show and saw a quilt by someone from Sandwich, Nancy Brieschke, and of course I thought of you.
No wonder they all sold! Those colours are gorgeous.
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