Tuesday, October 1, 2024

September 2024 monthly recap.............

I had 2 finishes in September, both quilted by Robin Diaz.  The one on the left reminds me of graffiti and is mostly e Bond's fabric lines (Glyphs, Ravel, and Root) with some of the dark narrow strips Marcia Derse fabric.  It is 59" x 79".

The one on the right is Kaffe Fassett collective and Tula Pink fabrics.  I love pink and green together.  It is 59" x 82".

I have 28 finished quilts so far this year.

I only finished one quilt top in September.  That is good because I have only made 24 new quilt tops and that means I have made some progress with finishing the backlog of tops.  This one is 66" x 79".  It is called Memories -1956 because it reminds me of the pink/gray trend when I was in high school.

I still have 32 tops waiting to be quilted.  Some I would rather sell than finish.  Others I want finished.  19 of them are in the small category (up to 66" in length) that I should be able to quilt myself.  Only one top is in the large category (longer than 81").  The rest fall between 67" and 80" on their longest side.

So on I go, making more tops.....why?.....because it is the most relaxing therapeutic thing I can do other than knitting dishcloths.  It gives me a chance to use my artistic side and experiment with design.  That's way more fun than cleaning the house every day out of boredom.


mb-RI said...

Best reasons I've ever heard to continue making quilts.

Donna said...

Great reasoning! lol We clean and clean...and it all gets dirty, all over again! How is that fun?? Lol
Love your quilts!!

Julie in GA said...

Your last paragraph is so true for me too. I love making quilt tops and trying out design ideas.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Just keep making them. Your variety, thinking and skills only get better. You are an inspiration to so many. Gorgeous quilts.

patty a. said...

So are you going to go thru all your tops and put the ones you don't want to quilt up for sale? There is nothing wrong with doing what you like including making more tops!

Julierose said...

I totally feel the same about keeping on sewing--it sure is better than housework;)))) and being able to do what you love is enough reason for sure...
54 this morning dawned gray and cloudy and humid again. Got my weekly grocery shopping done despite feeling really heady!!
hugs, Julierose P.S. Love that pink and green one...

JJM said...

Nice finishes for September and Pace maker surgery behind you too. I’m sure it feels good, going into October.

JustGail said...

I'm with you - making quilts is Way More Fun than cleaning house. At least making quilts is different every time. Cleaning house is same battle again and again and again and again... And medical science has found that creative activities are be vital to help prevent age related mental decline. So who are we to argue with that? Too bad there's not a way to get fabric, yarn, and needlework threads covered under insurance as preventative medicines.