Wednesday, October 2, 2024

9 of 27 blocks..................

I turned on the iron yesterday and pressed the rest of the pinwheel blocks that were sewn a couple nights ago.  There are 3 alike of each of these on the design wall.  I have 3 more blocks ready to sew.  I still haven't decided whether it will be a 30 block quilt or a 36 block quilt.

Phone shopping was on my list yesterday.  I have an app on my cellphone that sends transmissions to the doctor's office from my new pacemaker.  The phone I currently had is 6 years old and the operating system (OS) would no longer be be compatible with it and there were no updates available for it.  I had been thinking about upgrading anyway so this just pushed me to take care of it.  This phone is a little larger than the previous one so the small phone/wallet style purse I have been carrying will not work.  More shopping............. 

1 comment:

cityquilter grace said...

i am inclined to believe phone companies deliberately change the size and/or charger to keep you buying...