Wednesday, October 2, 2024

9 of 27 blocks..................

I turned on the iron yesterday and pressed the rest of the pinwheel blocks that were sewn a couple nights ago.  There are 3 alike of each of these on the design wall.  I have 3 more blocks ready to sew.  I still haven't decided whether it will be a 30 block quilt or a 36 block quilt.

Phone shopping was on my list yesterday.  I have an app on my cellphone that sends transmissions to the doctor's office from my new pacemaker.  The phone I currently had is 6 years old and the operating system (OS) would no longer be be compatible with it and there were no updates available for it.  I had been thinking about upgrading anyway so this just pushed me to take care of it.  This phone is a little larger than the previous one so the small phone/wallet style purse I have been carrying will not work.  More shopping............. 


cityquilter grace said...

i am inclined to believe phone companies deliberately change the size and/or charger to keep you buying...

Linda said...

We have been contemplating the larger size, but it isn't going to fit into my little cross-body bag!

Julierose said...

I think it is just amazing that there is an app to do that--but I agree with City Grace about phone companies...they want you to keep buying new ones...the new apps only work on the latest phones...
anyhoo--only 54 this morning with a cold NNE wind out there...
I am in the process of basting the top (3rd) section of my "Assemblage: or what ever you call it ;)))i got carried away and was up until 2:30 am working on it... S I G H --and so it goes...
Hope you continue to feel well...
BTW: I LOVE those blue pinwheels...beautifully paired...this will be such a lovely piece. hugs, Julierose

JJM said...

Your years of professionalism is always shown in your photos ~ those blocks, show the centers of your pinwheels so precisely sharp. A treat to see them all pressed and spinning into fascinating blue combinations.

This technical world we live in keeps changing on purpose. Seems it’s always something we have to learn how to operate a computerized something or other. I know you are good at that but it’s frustrating for old me.