Sunday, October 20, 2024

Final layout...................

This is not a great photo but it is my working photo in case anything gets mixed up during sewing.  It looks a lot different in person so I hope I can get a good photo when it is all sewn together.  I was lazy last night and just did clean up in my computer folders instead of sewing.

In the morning a friend came over to get the big rocks along the path in my back garden.  They are a tripping hazard for me now so they need to go.  She got quite a few for the first load and will come back a couple times to get some more.  I hauled all of the pots of dirt that didn't have anything currently growing in them to fill the spots where the rocks came out.  I have almost all of the peonies cut down now. 


Anna S said...

This looks beautiful! Like walking through a lush rainforest :-)

Julierose said...

Sounds like you've been getting your garden ready for the coming Winter!! Lots of work you've gotten done, Wanda.
The quilt is really going to be so lovely...
43 here this morning; hoping to be able to maybe sit out by noontime...before the cold front brings in colder temps predicted for this coming Thursday here...
Hugs, Julierose

Mary said...

Your mastery of color always amazes me. That's a good use of potting soil that needs to be refreshed.

Linda said...

Your eye for color is so good! What size are the rocks in your garden? Is she taking them for her garden, or just disposing of them.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

garden work is hard but it is best to get the tripping hazards out of the way. I am constantly watching the ground when I am outside to see where I am walking

JJM said...

When I checked steps last night I knew you had been outside again, doing garden work. Great final layout for this top.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, maybe I should allow family or friend to check my steps. Laura H

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love those colors together.

Nann said...

Computer file maintenance is a good task to tackle! Smart idea to take care of tripping hazards. I do like the layout.