Saturday, June 11, 2022

A little retail therapy..........

I really don't "need" any more fabric but my next quilt is planned to be all when this appeared at $5.99 a yard I had to order enough for a quilt back.  Today I will pull all of my yellow fabrics and hopefully a pattern will jump into my mind and I could start cutting for it.  I plan on using regular printed quilting fabric, not batiks, but I do have a couple really light with yellow batiks so I won't say positively no.

But wait....there is more.  You know the drill, add a few more pieces and get free shipping.  These are all Tula Pink fabrics. I have a pile of her fabrics from previous years that I will work in with these.  Click on the photo for a closer look.  There are always hidden treats in the prints.

I found 2 Sun Gold Cherry Tomato plants so I will try to figure out where I am going to plant them.  I had some of these 2 years ago and they are so sweet.  I also got a few more annuals because I still have empty pots and potting soil.  I will probably set a couple of them over by the tomato plants along the driveway.  I figure the flowers will attract the pollinators to help with tomato production.  

I saw a hummingbird by my porch pots after our rain shower yesterday afternoon.  I love this time of year when everything is growing well and flowers are abundant. 



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

those are all pretty fabrics. This week starting Sunday we are in the mid 90's for 10 days at least the weather man said - too hot for me to be out in the afternoon!

Marnie Haines said...

Several years ago I purchased a magnificent yellow quilt from your summer sale, Wanda. I gave it to a friend who was recently widowed to send some sunshine her way. I look forward to seeing your latest yellow creation and watching the process you use to make it. What a treat! Marnie Haines

Julierose said...

I love that yellow flower print--so pretty and cheery...i have never grown Sun Gold tomatoes...hope they work out for you...have a great weekend
hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

A little stash-stoking is good for the soul!

JJM said...

Bumble bees, squirrels and deer… did I miss any others hidden in your beautiful new fabrics ? Prettiest yellow daisy and bumble bees fabric I have seen in years.


JJM said...

I did miss the bugs and Ferret. (*._.*)

Norma Schlager said...

Your yellow fabrics are so pretty! Cam't wait to see what you do with them. I used to grow Sun Gold tomatoes. They were my favorite. But now I'm not supposed to eat tomatoes because of acid reflux. Boo hoo. I really miss them.

Mystic Quilter said...

I love the latest range from Tula Pink, thanks for showing us your pieces it's good to be able to have a close up of the little critters. I was hoping these would be in our quilt stores by now but we're still waiting. Do you have plans for these?

Sally Trude said...

Hmm…quite mysterious…those same exact critters from Tula have invaded my house too…

Shelina said...

These are all really pretty fabrics. Always fun to have some stash enhancement.

sewyouquilt2 said...

Can't wait I t to see what you make