Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Lots of trees............

I made the chocolate spritz yesterday.  I started out with trees and the second tray had other shapes.  One of the shapes was a fail and broke up when I tried to get them off the cookie sheet, more for me to eat..........

I did get a lot of stitching time on the binding.  The bottom corner shows up as blue but it is gray there too.  The combination of my lighting and the camera's ideas made this happen.  I start my bindings 6" before a corner so I have 3 corners finished.  I have 2 sides and 19" on a third side done.

Now I need to get busy and bake the last 2 batches of cookies this morning.



Donna said...

Those cookies look Good! I bet they were...and love the quilting!

cityquilter grace said...

um...i am available to eat broken cookies as well..fyi...LOL

Julierose said...

Of course you have to eat the broken ones--after all you need to test them out--right?:)))
Your binding is coming along really well...
53 here this morning and foggy...hoping to be able to walk outside...it's been so cold and windy that I've only used the treadmill lately..I miss the fresh air...
enjoy your cookie baking...
hugs, Julierose

Linda said...

Yum on the chocolate spritz! I would gladly eat your fails. :)