Sunday, December 1, 2024

Binding finished.....................

The binding was finished around 9 last night but I decided to wait until today to take its photo.

That gave me time to piece 2 more stars before I was done sewing for the evening.

Today I need to cut more light squares and triangles for the star blocks which will happen while I'm doing laundry.

The temperature was in the 20s again yesterday so the only time I was outside was to get my mail.  20s will continue all week except Wednesday when they are promising us a day in the mid to high 30s.  I think winter is here.


Cherie Moore said...

I was sure you would finish the binding yesterday :). It is cold here in PA too, 20 degrees this morning with a high of 30 today. We usually get your weather a day or two later… the deep freeze is coming!

Libby in TN said...

I questioned your flowery stars, but they are "growing" on me! We're ii the 20s here on the Plateau, too.

Nann said...

Oh, boy, it's COLD! But the sun is shining. (OTOH if we were in northeastern Ohio....)

Mary in Michigan said...

Wanda - Love the postage stamp. LOVE the backing fabric. Is that a stash fabric or recent purchase?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is pretty chilly. Is it warming up in the days right this week. I do like to get out daily if I can but now and then yes - the 20's is too chilly! Is the postage stamp an older quilt? I must have missed it. I always like using up little pieces for that

Julierose said...

Great that you've finished the binding on this pretty one;))) Love those postage stamp blocks...
27 here this morning --just up to 32 right now...I think you are right about Winter being here...;)))hugs, Julierose

MissPat said...

The stars are so vibrant. Congratulations on another finish. We will not get out of the 30's all this week. At least we are not in the snow bamds off either Lakes Erie or Ontario. We have sunshine today and no snow on the ground.

Quiltdivajulie said...

In the 20s overnights here and not much above freezing today. All of our outdoor annuals are gone now so I'm thrilled that my one cactus has started to bloom. I can't wait to see your postage stamp quilt unfurled (LOVE that binding/backing). And your stars are so pretty!

JJM said...

Floral stars blocks are fascinating with dreams of a wonderful quilt top. And another grand November finish to close the door on November.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Thats a great print for binding!!!

Barbara Anne said...

Congratulations on your delightful completed quilt in the the last hours of November!! How satisfying!
It's cold here, too, and Tuesday night our low will be 15*F.


Mary said...

I've always liked star blocks. Doesn't always feel good when the last stich in a binding is complete!